“Like… tell him I don’t want to have sex anymore?” My nose wrinkled. “It’s the best part of our relationship.”

“Exactly.” Lizzy gestured toward me.

I sighed. “Valid point. Fine. I’ll tell him we need to step back, and try dating so we can get to know each other. It’d probably be better if he was living in his place, too, so we have space from each other.”

Lizzy lifted an eyebrow. “You think you can talk him into that?”

I shrugged. “He’s possessive, but he wants things to work out between us. If I explain my reasoning and tell him I’m not ready to live with him yet, I think he’ll agree to it.”

Lizzy whistled. “Sounds like taking a step back alright. A big one, considering the way the last few weeks have gone.”

I grimaced. “Well it’s this or hide in the bathroom every time he comes near me out of fear that he’s going to drop the love bomb again.”

“Guess that’s a fair point. The separation would give you time for your feelings to catch up to his, and you could get wooed in all the romantic ways you’ve always dreamed of…”

I tossed a wrapper at her, and she laughed when it hit her arm and bounced down to the table.

“There isn’t any wooing in most of the fantasy and PNR books I read. The characters are just forced together by some type of magic, or work together on something, and they just sort of fall in love. There’s no dating or anything.”

“But you want to be wooed,” Lizzy pointed out.

I made a face. “Do I?”

“You do. You want the flowers, and the chocolates, and the dates.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess that’s the real problem; I don’t really know what I want.”

“Maybe the separation would help you figure that out.”

Damn, I hoped so.