When the nextmorning rolled around, we woke up around the same time. I hoped things would be fixed, but they weren’t. Things were still very, very awkward.

Luckily, my phone buzzed two hours before lunch time.

Lizzy: I sincerely hope you’re done with the climax because the more I hear about this Lisa girl, the more confident I am that I don’t want to go to this lunch you and I set up all alone with her

Lizzy: For all we know, she could be a murderer

I bit back a snort.

Lizzy was a murderer, technically.

Was it still murder if you killed in self-defense? I needed to google that.

Lizzy: The bad kind of murderer, not the kind who protect their child from a monster.

Hey, at least she’d clarified.

Me: It ended last night

Me: I need girl talk

Me: Can Elliot watch Ev a bit before lunch? We could go early and talk there

Me: If that works

Me: If you have time

Lizzy: You know I have time for you

I nearly rolled my eyes at that, but held back. She’d probably sense the sarcasm through the phone.

And since she’d met Elliot, she really hadn’t had time for me. Which was kind of hard for me—or really hard for me—but she was so damned happy that I was careful not to let her know that. She deserved all of that happiness, and so much more.

Lizzy: Can you leave right now? Lisa is supposed to be there in an hour



Lizzy: Uh oh. This doesn’t sound good. Tell me the sex doesn’t suck?

Me: The sex isn’t the problem.

Me: I’ll explain when we’re there. I need five minutes to get dressed and attempt to wrangle myhair. I’ll text you when I’m leaving. We’re going to the cute coffee shop, right?

Lizzy: Yep. See you soon.

I shot her a thumbs-up emoji before looking over at Dax, fighting a grimace. He was reading a book—which was hot—but things were too awkward for me to get all drooly over it or anything.

“Hey, I’m meeting up with Lizzy for lunch. She planned a thing with this chick named Lisa.”

Dax frowned, looking up from his book. “Ryder’s Lisa?”

“Yep. Lizzy’s old pack treated her like shit after her wolf rejected SD, so she just wants to make sure people aren’t doing the same thing to Lisa.”

Dax’s nose wrinkled. “Lisa’s a bitch, and she can be dangerous. Who else are you taking with you?”