We satin the light-blue water for at least two or three hours, lost in fictional worlds. I only caught Dax staring at me two more times—and he didn’t catch me staring at him either of the times I lifted my gaze from the book to look at him.

Honestly, I could’ve stayed in the water another two hours, but there was another damned knock at our door.

“Who do you think that is?” I asked, trying not to sound exasperated.

Dax’s lips curved upward. “Don’t like visitors much?”

“Eh. Most days I wouldn’t mind, but I get worn out.”

He dipped his head, as if he understood. “I’d grab it and let you stay in here, but I don’t think your wolf will be on board.”

I made a face. “Probably not.”

With that, we set our devices down and slipped out of the tub, finally draining the water. My skin was slightly blue-tinted, but I grinned at the idea of looking like a certain type of aliens I’d read a bunch of romances about.

Most of the blue came off as we dried off quickly, and another, louder knock echoed from the door as we hurried to get dressed. I didn’t put a bra on that time either—but pulled a massive sweater on with a pair of yoga shorts, so it didn’t really matter.

Dax still growled at me a little as we walked to the door, though.

We pulled it open just as a third knock sounded, and found three adults I’d never met before standing on my porch.

Their eyes narrowed in on me. Dax’s arm slid around the front of my waist, and he deftly tucked me behind him.

Human shield.

He was doing the human shield thing Elliot had done with Lizzy in the restaurant.


“Alpha,” Dax said stiffly. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”

Was this the main alpha? I’d heard about him before, but no one seemed to like him.

“We’re ready to test you and your mate, both physically and magically,” the alpha said smoothly. He didn’t sound like a complete bastard, but sounds could be misleading.

“Great.” Dax bit the words out. “Come on in.”

I didn’t want them in my house if Dax wasn’t comfortable with them there… but I also didn’t want to start a fight, or cause problems with the guy who ran the town.

Dax eased me away from the door, navigating me so he was between me and the visitors as we headed toward the living room. He shut our bedroom door firmly before walking us to the loveseat, so no one else would fit beside us.

“Sabrina, this is the main alpha, his mate who is also the pack’s top scientist, and…” he looked at the main alpha for an answer as he gestured to the third visitor, who was a man.

“The leader of the nearest witch coven,” the man answered smoothly.

My eyebrows lifted.

Lizzy had told me that other supernaturals existed too, but that they all kept to themselves. If the main alpha had reached out to the witches, he must’ve been concerned.

And that didn’t exactly sound like a good omen for me and Dax.

“We’re going to draw some blood, and then Russell here will do some magical tests,” the main alpha female said smoothly. “It’ll be a few days before I have all of the results from the blood tests, but the magical ones will give us answers immediately.”

“And what if you don’t like those answers?” Dax asked, his voice colder than I’d ever heard it.

“We’ll deal with the circumstances when we figure out what they are,” the male alpha replied.