The way he’d touched me, the way he’d talked to me.

The way my body had responded to his, and his to me.

Shit, those had been some of the best moments of my life. Which was either sad or incredibly lucky—I didn’t want to let myself dig into that thought.

“Sab?” Lizzy’s voice was uncertain, just on the other side of the door.

“Mmhm?” I called back.

“You’re alright?”

“I’m fine. Just snuggling a wolf.”

Lizzy let out a relieved breath. “You guys are okay, then?”

“We’re better than okay.” I flashed a grin at the wolf, and he licked my face before giving me a wolfy grin of his own. “We’ll come out when we’re ready. I just need a couple more minutes with the furball first.”

“Okay, we’ll be out here. Check with me before coming out, because a few of the girls are still trying to get their own wolves under control. We’re all possessive bitches,” Lizzy teased lightly.

My lips curved upward, and I bit back a grin. “Don’t apologize for me, okay? The guys should all be thanking me for flashing my tits and ass at them.”

Lizzy snorted. “It wasn’t just your tits and ass, but I won’t apologize for you. You’re lucky Ev still doesn’t understand private parts though, or I’d have to wash his eyes out.”

I laughed. “Sure you would.”

“Alright, I’m leaving you to your furball. Please don’t have sex while we’re all in the other room.”

“Because you’re one to talk,” I shot back.

“Bye, Sab,” she called out, and I heard her footsteps as she walked away.

I flashed Davy another grin, and he gave me a half-hearted growl.

“Come on, you love me,” I teased him.

He bobbed his head in agreement, and licked my face again.

“I’m going to get dressed,” I told him, easing myself back to my feet. “Can you shift forms, please?”

The wolf heaved a sigh, but bobbed his head again.

I remained beside him, my hands in his fur as he started to shift. He’d done it a million times before, I knew, so it wasn’t like he needed me there for moral support or anything. I just wanted to stay next to him, and I didn’t think he would mind.

My hands were still on him as his fur changed to skin. Dax rolled to his back, and dragged me down on top of him. I landed on his chest with an “oof,” and his hand dug into my hair, pulling my face to his as he tilted his head upward. Our lips met, and the kiss was fierce, and brutal, and possessive.

And I loved it so much it almost hurt.

The kiss went on for a few minutes, until Dax pulled away. Our breaths were both coming out rapidly, our bare chests rising and falling against each other.

“Lizzy told me not to have sex while they’re all in the other room,” I whispered, as Dax’s gorgeous blue eyes slid over my face.

“Do you know what I hate?”

I frowned. “No.”

His lips lifted back to mine, and brushed mine as he murmured, “Being given orders.”

My mouth curved against his. “Want to ignore them, then?”