He was grinning massively, though. “I didn’t expect him to let me shake hands with you. My son’s always been the quiet, broody type.” He winked at me, and I grinned back at him.

Dax shook his head at them, but didn’t argue out loud. He didn’t look really comfortable with having them there, so I didn’t want to invite them in, but I figured we’d try to plan something so they could get their Dax fill too. Plans weren’t my forte—I forgot about them almost as often as I made them—but hopefully Jolie would remember for all of us.

“I just barely shifted back for the first time and really need a shower, could we maybe get breakfast or do lunch one day this week?” I checked, looking at Dax first. Relief crossed his face, and he nodded.

“Oh, we would love that! Spence works tomorrow, but how about Saturday?”

I had no idea what day it was, but nodded anyway. Wasn’t like I had any plans; I doubted the restaurant would let me come back after the hell that I’d caused. And as far as I knew, Dax worked from home and set his own schedule, so we could make anything work.

“Sure! Dax can send you my phone number, and we can text about it?” I checked. “I’m still in the process of locating my phone, so I might not answer right away.” I glanced at Dax.

He flashed me a small smile. “It’s in your backpack.”


Well, that made things easier.

“Perfect!” Jolie was beaming so widely that it made me feel like a damned winner. I loved it. “I already got your number from Randa at the restaurant, so I’ll text you on my way home. Get your shower in and get some rest—I’m sure your pack’s bringing dinner, but I’d love to bring by some dessert tonight, too?” she checked.

I nearly laughed again. He wasn’t kidding about the overbearingness. “We would love that. Thank you.”

“Of course.” She flung her arms around me again, squeezing me tightly. “I’m just so glad to have you in the family, Sabby. Thank you so much for being here with Dax.”

“I’m happy to be here,” I admitted.

It was the honest truth.

She gave me one last squeeze before releasing me and stepping back. “Alright, we’ll get out of your hair. Have a good day—we’ll see you on Saturday!”