He watched me closely.

I felt my body start to fight her—to fight the wolf.

Tea’s lips pressed together. “Maybe skip the snacks. Just wait in the bathroom? We’ll be quick.”

Dax jerked his head in a nod, and stepped over to the bathroom. The door closed, and Tea spoke quietly to me about Lizzy and Evan while she removed the catheter, switched out the bags of fluids hanging from the IV pole, and a few other things.

My body was starting to ache slightly again when she declared me good to go. There was nothing the hospital could do for me, but I was welcome to stay so the staff could help take care of me. Or I could go home, and Dax and others could do that.

I didn’t like either of those ideas, frankly. I wanted to go back to my house and take care of myself.

“Can I think about it?” I asked Tea.

She nodded, giving me a big smile. “Of course.”

Dax came out of the bathroom as she headed out. As she went, she called, “Just text us if you need anything. Everyone’s dying to help you out—Lizzy especially.”

That was to be expected; Lizzy was practically my sister.

But it was pretty early in the morning, and I was sure she’d be in the hospital with me again as soon as visitors were allowed in for the day.

Dax sat beside me. His hand landed on mine, and just that touch alone had my body relaxing slightly. Not as much as it would if we were snuggled up, though.

“Is this just prolonging the inevitable?” I whispered to him, lifting our connected hands.

“No.” He didn’t hesitate, though I knew he had no way of being as sure as he sounded. “Eventually, your body will accept the wolf. We just need to hold out until then.”

“How long will it take, though?” I pressed.

“I don’t give a fuck. We’re not giving up—so don’t even consider that.” His eyes burned into mine when I looked over at him.

My face heated, and I nodded.

He relaxed slightly. “It would be more comfortable if we left—and there would be less of a chance of strangers coming in and setting us off.”

That was probably a good point. “So you want to go home?”

He grimaced. “I do. Problem is, Ryder is still living on my couch. He’d leave if I asked him too, but he won’t move back with his parents or any of the other mated couples. So he’d end up sleeping outside.”


Well, I wasn’t going to ask him to do that.

“We could go to my house. It’s not as close to your pack, but it’s furnished and there’s food and whatnot. Plus there are no stairs—I hate stairs.”

He glanced at me sideways. “I didn’t know you had a house.”

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.” I focused my gaze on the door out in front of me, so I wouldn’t have to look at Dax. If I looked at him, I’d remember that he didn’t like me—that he thought I was weird, and had turned me down earlier, even for a valid reason.

And… that he was gorgeous.

“Alright, we’ll go to your place.” He didn’t hesitate, though he was frowning a bit. “I don’t have my car here, but I’m sure one of the guys can pick us up.”

Dammit, I was not looking forward to that ride.

But if it meant a shower in my own house, a night in my own bed, a meal of my own food… I’d survive.

“Let’s get out of here,” I agreed.