Shock had me freezing in place. “So if I die, you die.”

“Our survival is tied together,” he agreed quietly.

I guessed that was as good a reason as any for Dax to be holding me despite his lack of desire for me before the bond.

Though technically, he probably wanted me now that we were mates. But that desire was caused by the mate magic/voodoo shit, so it didn’t really count.

“Then I doubt turning your phone off will keep your friends away,” I mumbled.

He shook his head slightly, his forehead rocking just a bit against my jaw. “Not for long. But the doctor will keep them out for a few hours; it’s protocol when mates get possessive.”


I guessed that would probably be a useful rule in a werewolf town.

“You should get some sleep. Maybe while you rest, your wolf will finally be able to take over,” he murmured.

I still felt shitty, so I couldn’t imagine that happening. I was tired though, so I mumbled, “Okay, but if your instincts tell you to start feeling me up, you send them straight to hell.”

He chuckled, and my lips curved upward as his chest rumbled against my back. “At this point in my life, I’m practically a professional at that.”

A soft snort escaped me. “At least you’re not ashamed of your virgin status.”

“Not even a little.” His lips brushed my neck, lightly. I wasn’t sure if he’d kissed me, or if he’d just moved slightly. Either way, it gave me goosebumps. “Sleep, Sabrina.”

And there he went and ruined it by using my whole name.

My smile faded, but my eyes did close. Only a few moments had passed before I fell asleep.

Soft murmurs wokeme up sometime later.

“She looks so much better,” Lizzy admitted.

“I should’ve followed my instincts sooner.” Dax’s chest rumbled softly against my back.

“You wanted to make sure she was okay with it,” a male voice countered. “She wasn’t actively dying, so respecting her right to make her own decisions was the right call.”

“You already felt bad about kissing her without asking,” another female voice pointed out. I thought it might’ve been Del’s, but wasn’t positive.

They were all talking quietly, but I definitely wasn’t asleep anymore.

“Do you think her wolf’s almost become a part of her?” Lizzy asked.

“I don’t think so. I moved a bit earlier, and she cried out in her sleep, in pain. We’re not out of the woods yet.”

“I hope she has good insurance,” another female voice murmured.

“She does, and the cost won’t be a problem for her, so no one needs to worry about that,” Lizzy told them.

There was a beat of silence, but Lizzy didn’t explain. I knew she wouldn’t unless I told her she could, because I kept it quiet. People got weird when they found out that I had money, even though it was family money. Hell, the majority of it was my mother’s life insurance payout. Considering how much she had been worth at the time of her death, that alone would’ve been more than enough to do whatever I wanted for the rest of my life—and for my kids to do whatever they wanted for the rest of their lives too, assuming I had one or two little squirts.

I’d always wanted to have kids, and helping Lizzy raise Evan for the first two years of his life had only added to that desire. But I’d been hoping to meet a guy first, so I didn’t have to go the sperm-donor route and raise the kid alone.

Even if I did survive the transformation, it looked like that wasn’t in the cards for me. I sure as hell wouldn’t have a kid with a guy who didn’t like me… even if it didn’t feel like he thought I was stupid when his arms were around me.

Leaving my eyes closed, I acted like I was asleep as the pack members continued talking. Lizzy and Elliot had added me to the group as an honorary member, but I’d known I didn’t belong there. I had wanted to be a werewolf and have a pack badly since I learned they existed, but I didn’t want to be the awkward human chick they invited over when they had to. I wanted the family, the friendship, the love.

But I guess that chance was over, too.

I wanted to shut myself in my room and read for the next few days, until I had time to wrap my head around everything, but I couldn’t do that. Not while I was dying, and going to take Dax out with me if I did.

Eventually, a nurse came in and told the pack members that visiting hours were over. She adjusted something on the IV pole hanging off to the side of the bed, and something cold entered my blood and made my stomach clench.

A moment later, the medication—I assumed it was a pain med of some kind—kicked in. My body relaxed, then, and I fell back asleep slowly.