I scoffed. “Look at me.”

He leaned closer, putting more of his weight, more of his body, on the bed. “In the cell, my instincts told me to kiss you. When I followed them, you stopped fighting the wolf just enough to keep you alive. You haven’t accepted her fully, but you can. We can get you there.”

My scoff became a scowl. “I’m not having sex with you in the damn hospital while I’m in this much pain, Dax.”

No matter what Lizzy said.

My annoying conscience whispered, “Not even to save your own life?”

I ignored the hell out of it though.

“My instincts want me to hold you right now, Sabrina. Not fuck you.”

Hot damn.

Something about the way he sounded when he swore was kind of sexy.

If only he’d been attracted to me before we became mates…

“Fine then,” I grumbled.

The doctor took that moment to come into the room. She was a pretty, dark-skinned woman with box braids falling over her white lab coat, and her eyes skimmed me before landing on Dax.

Something within me reared back when it saw her looking at him—staring at him.

Pain spasmed in my abdomen and head, and I cried out at the sharpness of it.

“Out,” Dax snarled at the woman, standing swiftly. He practically pounced onto the small bed with me, his arms engulfing me as he pulled me to his chest. He held me tightly, his legs wrapping around my legs as his face buried into my neck. My hair was still up in its ponytail, though wild and messy and greasy now. He didn’t seem to care, holding me fiercely against his chest.

The door shut and the doctor left us alone. Almost as soon as it closed, the new pain faded completely. Dax’s breathing was ragged against my neck, his grip tight but not uncomfortably so. His chest rose and fell roughly, but for some reason, feeling it comforted me.

Slowly, as he held me, the ache in my body began to dissipate as well. My glasses were smooshed against my face, which he apparently noticed, because he eased them off of me and set them down on the rolling table beside the hospital bed.

I felt a vibration against my ass, and frowned.

“Just my phone,” he growled softly against my neck.

I couldn’t help but shiver at the way his breath tickled me.

I’d had sex before, but I’d never been held like that. And something about the way it felt was more intimate than the actual act of sex had been with the other men.

Not sure what to say, I remained quiet.

My eyes closed, and my body continued to relax.