“Fuck.” The lock clicked, and the door was flung open.

A yell echoed down the hall, “Get a car ready, now!”

The numbness was fading fast, and pain started to replace it rapidly. I bit back a scream as every muscle in my body started to slowly burn.

“Look at me, Sabrina.” Dax’s words were a growl. No one who knew me and loved me called me by my whole name—no one.

The burn in my body only grew stronger and hotter and fiercer moment by damned moment.

“Your body is fighting the wolf. It sees her as a threat, and is trying to reject her. You need to stop fighting, okay? Relax, and accept what’s happening.”

My eyes started to roll backward, the pain too fierce to fight any more.

A pair of warm, large hands were on my face, then, and a pair of warm, soft lips brushed mine gently. When I didn’t respond immediately, Dax’s tongue slid between my lips, stroking mine.

I groaned, shaking my head and trying to reach for his. My hands didn’t move, but my tongue did—just slightly.

Dax’s gorgeous blue eyes burned into mine. “You wanted a soulmate, Sabrina, and you’ve sure as fuck got one now. Don’t even fucking consider letting go of your life this easily.”

He was right—this was what I’d wanted.


My thoughts blurred, and I passed out.

I wasin and out over the next while. The pain waxed and waned, and I could feel it—the other entity trying to steal my body. I tried to stop fighting, to let her have the control she was looking for, but it wasn’t something I could physically or mentally do. It wasn’t me that was fighting her; it was instinct. Adrenaline. Nature.

I vaguely remember men shouting orders as Dax hauled me down the hallway. He was moving fast—he must’ve been running.

I didn’t see us go outside, but the next flashes I remember include him holding my body tightly to his in the back seat of a car, growling at me to let the wolf take control, to relax and give her what she needed.

I couldn’t though.

He didn’t know, but I couldn’t.

Fluorescent lights flickered over my head, and a familiar woman with a tight expression leaned over me, attaching me to devices.

“You’re going to be okay,” she told me, her expression fierce.

Teagan; I recognized her as Teagan.

She had just graduated, but…

I blacked out again.

More agony accompanied my entire body every time I opened my eyes.

Lizzy had said that you could die, being changed into a wolf. She’d said that it never happened, though—that it was so rare most people didn’t even acknowledge the thought.

But I hadn’t acknowledged it, and look where that got me.

They must’ve given me some kind of strong-ass medication, because the pain drained away a bit later, and my body relaxed. Blissful sleep followed.

The next timeI opened my eyes, I knew immediately that I was in a hospital room. The lights were dimmed, and soft piano music played in the background.

My hand felt strange, and despite the awful pain filling me, I managed to turn my head just a little.

I blinked a few times when I saw Dax sitting in a chair that had been dragged up beside my bed. He was hunched over the mattress, both of his hands wrapped around one of mine, some of our fingers threaded together. His lips were moving; I felt them against the back of my hand. It was a soft, rhythmic brushing, that would’ve given me goosebumps if I hadn’t been feeling so damned awful.