“Alright, let me know if I need to send them threatening texts. I’m too chicken to threaten your dad in person, but you know I can angry-text with the best of them.”

I smiled. “I know. Thank you.” There was a pause, and I added, “I told Dax you’d help him meet some human chicks if he helped you meet some more single werewolves.”

“You did? Oh my heck, I love you, Lizzy. You’re the best friend ever. Did he say when? Or where? Should I go over to his house right now? Does he have any single guys over there now?”

I laughed. “I’ll send you his number, and you can set it up. Ryder is living with him, but you already met both of them.”

“Oh, yeah. Ryder is hot as hell, but I’d be scared for my life if that guy decided I was his mate.”

Another laugh escaped me. “He’s a good guy.”

“I’m sure he is,” she agreed. “But have you met me? I’m not exactly tough.”

“You’re stronger than you think, Sab.”

“As my best friend and honorary sister, you’re required to say that,” Sab pointed out. “Alright, send me his number. I’ll annoy him until he gets me set up with my future hottie.”

“Okay, will-do. Love you girl.”

“Love you! Thanks again!”

I dropped my phone on the armrest next to me as Elliot came back with popcorn and a teasing grin. “You asked Dax to set Sab up?”

“Yep. He didn’t seem thrilled with the idea, but he seemed lonely, and Sab will throw every willing girl at him if it means he’ll find a couple of werewolf guys for her to meet.”

He chuckled. “Maybe they’ll find each other mates.”

“I can hope.” I flashed him a grin.

Elliot turned on the TV with one hand as he dragged me into his lap with the other. His arm draped over my abdomen as our legs lifted so we were cuddled together on the couch, laying down, and the bowl of popcorn sat abandoned on the floor.

We turned on the first rom-com that popped up on the streaming service, and Elliot’s lips brushed my neck as the opening credits started. “I hope it’s okay, but I set up a meeting with the main alpha tomorrow to talk about getting Ev into a pack of his own. In situations like this, they usually just make a seven-man pack. I can cancel if you want, but I think it’d be good for him.”

“Would it depend on what his role is, though?” I murmured.

“Pack roles develop over the first eight to ten years of the wolves’ lives. We’re not born alphas, or gammas, or sigmas—we become them as we grow together.”

My chest warmed, and I remembered the little wolves and kids running around together on the playground earlier. “I’d love for him to have that relationship. Let’s do it.”

Elliot’s lips brushed my neck again. “I love you, Liz.”

My heart caught in my throat. “I love you, too.”

His arm tightened around my waist, and we stayed where we were, cuddled up as the rom-com started.

I didn’t know what I was going to do about my parents, or about the money in my bank account, or even about my job teaching dance. But I knew that whatever happened, Elliot was going to be beside me—and that was what mattered.