Elliot came downthe stairs with Evan, who was drowsy but still awake. I figured he’d probably kept Ev awake for me, or just read the little guy some books while he waited for me to talk to my parents. And while I knew he would’ve wanted to be beside me during that discussion, I was really damn glad that I could trust him to take care of my baby while I dealt with my family.


He stepped down and tugged me into his arms, holding me close so all three of us were snuggling.

“Eem?” Evan mumbled. “Eem dada?”

Elliot’s eyes went wide, and his lips stretched in a massive grin. Despite my exhaustion and stress, I grinned back.

Everything was going to be okay.

We were a family—we were together. Mates, and parents.

One way or another, everything was going to work out.

“That was a good try bud, but you had more than enough ice cream,” Elliot told him, tickling his little belly lightly.

Ev’s face scrunched up sadly. “Eem?”

“We’ll have more tomorrow.”

That didn’t satisfy him, but he only gave one last sad little cry of, “Dada,” before his eyes closed, his face snuggled up against Elliot’s neck.

“So freakin’ cute,” Elliot said, grinning at me.

“For real.” I brushed my fingers lightly through his hair.

Going up on my tiptoes, I pressed my lips to my baby’s cheek, and then his forehead, and then to Elliot’s lips. His hand pulled me closer, lightly, and we deepened the kiss for a moment before releasing each other.

“Let me put him in bed, and then we can talk,” Elliot murmured to me.

I nodded, giving Evan one last kiss before Elliot took him upstairs.

When he made it back down, he pulled me into his arms and asked, “Do you know what we need?”

“Hmm.” I considered it. “Nope.”

“A movie night.” His lips brushed my forehead. “I’m pretty sure we planned one for tonight yesterday.”

“That actually sounds pretty good,” I admitted.

“Mmhm. I’ll make popcorn.” Elliot tilted my head backward, so our lips could meet, and kissed me softly.

When he pulled away, I felt slightly better.

Then he swept me off my feet, grinning at me as my head met his chest. “Have I ever told you that you’re beautiful?”

“Once or twice,” I teased lightly.

His lips captured mine. “Then Liz, you are absolutely fucking stunning in every way.” He hauled me down the stairs, setting me on the couch before striding into the kitchen for popcorn.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I pulled it out with a sigh. When I saw Sab’s photo on the screen, I answered. “Hey girl.”

Sab groaned into the phone. “That pack dinner was so much fun, Lizzy. I swear, I’m meant to be a werewolf. How did things go with your parents afterward?”

“Eh. I won’t know for a while. Going to give them a chance to slowly reenter my life, I think. Mostly for Evan’s sake, but maybe a little for mine too.”