Money had been a problem for long enough that I wondered if I’d feel like an entirely different person without needing to worry about that.

“It won’t bother you to merge our bank accounts when I’m bringing more cash to the table, will it?” I murmured.

Elliot snorted. “I’m not a moron. What guy would be mad about his woman being loaded?”

My lips curved up sadly. “You’d be surprised.”

Money intimidated people, sometimes. Whenever Sab went out to meet people, she would claim to waitress full-time, because any time she admitted that she was rich to a guy, he got weird about it. We thought it was a pride thing—that some men didn’t like to make less than the women they were with. It was a sure sign that a man was an asshole, in our experience.

Well, mostly in Sab’s experience. But it had definitely bothered SD, too, in the short time we’d been together.

“Let’s just accept that I’m a superior male and move on, shall we?” Elliot teased.

I laughed, hard. “You’re definitely a superior male.”

“Exactly.” He tugged me closer, and our sides were practically glued together.

I made a few calls while Evan continued to play with the other little guys on the playground, and shortly, all of the assets in the account had been transferred to a new account connected to my personal one.

“You’d probably be good at managing financial assets, huh?” I asked Elliot, as I turned my phone off and slipped it in my pocket.

His eyes lit up. “Probably. I took a few classes on it, but I’d have to learn a lot more to be any good. That’d be a fun side project, though. Outside the stay-at-home dad thing.”

“You’re serious about that?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“Yup.” He leaned over and brushed his lips over my cheek. “Quit questioning me, woman.”

I smiled. “Alright, alright. We’ve got a few more weeks before you’re supposed to be back at school, so we have time to think about it some more. But if you were dealing with assets, and I kept teaching dance… or opened up a studio…” I considered it.

A studio of my own would be a lot of work, which meant a lot of time away from my boys.

“I’m on board with whatever you want.”

My lips curved upward. “I know. I’ll keep thinking about it.”

“After we buy you whichever insanely expensive ring you want,” Elliot countered.

I laughed, and agreed. “After we buy me whatever damn ring I want.”