He steppedinside the bathroom while I was still brushing my teeth.

My eyes must’ve flashed panic toward him, because he stepped in and didn’t pause to rake his eyes up and down my body.

Instead, he put his hand on my lower back, bent over so his lips nearly brushed my ear, and whispered, “You are so damn sexy.”

The back of my neck flushed, and I rinsed toothpaste out of my mouth. “Right. Because brushing your teeth is sexy.”

“When you look like that, it is.”

My face burned, and I leaned my back against the counter. Elliot sat on the ledge of the tub, looking up at me, his basketball shorts hiding absolutely nothing as far as his erection went.

“So where do you want us to go from here?” Elliot asked, his hands landing on his knees.

“What are my options?” I checked.

I mean, I already pretty much knew what I wanted.

It wasn’t all that difficult; I wanted him.

But there were other factors, and if he saw other options, I did want to hear them out.

“We could pretend what we did downstairs didn’t happen. I would hate that, but if it’s what you really want, I’ll play along for now. It’d be dishonest not to offer that as an option.”

“Alright…” I folded my arms over my chest. “What else have you got?”

“We could let the pack take care of Evan while we spend the next few days in bed, fucking like rabbits. You’d have to reschedule with your parents, but something tells me that wouldn’t bother you much.”

He sure as hell had that straight.


“We could take things slow, ignoring the climax during the day and getting to know each other’s bodies at night before we crash.”

I nodded slowly. “Anything else?”

“My personal favorite.” His eyes gleamed as he gave me a wicked grin. “We could pretend we’re just friends in front of Evan and everyone else, and do whatever the hell we want while we’re alone.”

“Tough choice…” I drawled, acting like I had to think hard about that. “I think I’ll decide in here,” I said, crossing the hallway in a few smooth steps.

Elliot’s feet were quiet as he followed me, and shut the door behind us.

I added, “Naked, probably. I do my best thinking without my clothes on, after all.” Tugging my bra over my head wasn’t smooth or sexy, considering it was a sports bra, but Elliot’s gaze was burning into my boobs the moment I started undressing, anyway. So he didn’t care, obviously.

“Is that so?” Elliot’s gaze lifted back to my eyes. There was heat and appreciation enough in them to make me feel sexy in a way I didn’t think I ever had.

“Mmhm.” I stepped out of my panties, tossing them over toward my bra.

Elliot’s gaze might as well have been devouring me whole. The way he looked at me alone was enough to turn me on.

There wasn’t much space between the two mattresses we’d shoved into the room, so I just walked over to the edge of one of them, sitting down with my legs sprawled out in front of me. Every inch of my body was exposed, but those eyes of his made me feel absolutely stunning.

“You have anything to say?” I asked, leaning back on my arms a bit.

“I’m waiting for you to make up your mind.” The hungry way his gaze slid over the length of my legs before resting on my core made heat roll through me.

“Alright.” I feigned considering it. “I think you should argue your case for that last one a little longer.”