He chuckled. “We’ll be fine, Liz.”

“I know. I always am; money’s just been the one constant stressor since Evan was born.”

He nodded, shutting off the sink and drying off his hands.

My eyes tracked his movements, watching his muscles flex as he moved. And that bite mark on his arm...


“Let me grab my laptop.” He disappeared up the stairs for a minute. I was pretty sure I’d seen it in his room that morning, so I dropped into a chair at the table and pulled up my bank account information on my phone.

A grimace tugged at my face as Sab tried to call me again. Guilt clenched my stomach, but I hit the button to ignore.

I wanted to enjoy the time with Elliot just a little bit longer, before we chatted. I was going to have to tell her that I was going to stay with him—which I didn’t want to do. She got lonely, and I felt guilty about that.

My grimace deepened when I saw the contents of my bank account.

Yup, just as bad as when my wolf had taken over.

Elliot returned with his laptop, and sat down at the table in the chair beside mine.

His screen opened, and I tried not to watch over his shoulder as he typed his login information.

“We can merge our accounts tomorrow, between your classes, if that works for you,” he said, opening another tab and logging into an app. It looked like some kind of budget.

I’d never had a clear-set budget; my budget was to only buy the things that were absolutely required to survive, and do a few hours of food delivery when I had to make up the difference between what I had and what I needed.

I hated not having a cushion to fall back on, or a savings account with an emergency fund.

“So I’ve only got about three hundred,” I admitted. “It’s supposed to pay for Evan’s two-year-old checkup, but I hadn’t scheduled it yet when my wolf decided to hunt you. I’ve got about six hundred from work, paid out while I was in wolf form, but I owe that to Char for rent and to the hospital for Evan.”

“Oh, I already paid Char for you while you were furry. And I can get you both on my insurance as long as you’re okay with it; the school provides it, so it’s decent. We might need to get married first, though.”

The relief those words provided me was unreal.

My shoulders relaxed, a slow breath escaping me. “Well, we’re already mated. Not like marriage is any more permanent than an unbreakable magic bond.”

Elliot flashed me another grin that could’ve melted my damn ovaries. “I’m glad you think so too.”