“Thanks.” I stepped past him, into the shower, and tugged the curtain into place. It was a dark blue color, and he wouldn’t be able to see much through it.

I showered quickly, using Elliot’s shower gel even before he put a fruity-smelling set of products he’d purchased for me on the far edge of the tub. Evan had taken to knocking them off the edge during bath time, so Elliot put them in the cupboard, before.

“Do you, uh…” Elliot trailed off, hesitating.

“I don’t beat around the bush. Just ask.” I closed my eyes, scrubbing at my greasy, dirt-coated hair. The shampoo I’d grabbed was Elliot’s too—it was the closest to me, and I didn’t want to move any more than I had to.

“Has the climax hit you?”

My hands paused in my hair.

The climax?


His wolf had bitten me, and mine had bitten him. The climax should’ve started.


“All I feel is tired,” I admitted.

He didn’t say anything to that.

Closing my eyes, I let out a slow breath and resumed scrubbing at my disgustingly-dirty scalp. “Has it hit you?”



Was this where he revealed himself to be an asshole? Asked me to take care of his manly needs or some shit like that?

He didn’t say anything else, so I hoped it wasn’t.

I wanted him to be as good a guy as he seemed.

“You don’t expect me to…” I trailed off.

“I’d never expect anything you didn’t want to give, Liz.”

I blinked.


No one had ever called me that. With my parents, before they had cut me out of their lives, it had always been “Elizabeth”.

With Sabrina or any of my other friends, it had always been “Lizzy”.

I kind of liked Liz, though.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to call you that, it just slipped out,” Elliot said quickly.

“No, don’t apologize. It’s…” I trailed off, biting my lip. “I like it. You can call me that, if you want.”

He didn’t say anything, but I didn’t think he was unhappy in any way.

Just horny, probably, if he was really dealing with the climax already.

Shit, that sucked for him.