Elliot’s wolf licked my wound until it had closed up completely, and then ducked his head again, nudging me lightly on the hip.

“Don’t think I can shift,” I murmured to him.

He nudged my hip again, though, and I groaned, forcing my eyes open just enough to see him. He wormed his way below my arm, and I realized what he wanted—to give me a ride back.

Another groan escaped me. “Don’t know if I can hold on that long.”

He growled at me. It wasn’t a threatening growl, but a “get your ass on my back, woman,” growl.

I forced my arms to move, and slowly managed to roll myself onto the wolf’s back. I worried I’d crush him, but he wasn’t small, and didn’t seem to have a problem holding my weight.

My arms wrapped around his neck, and I held on tightly as he made his way back through the forest at a slow jog, being careful not to jostle me too much.

The trip back was long, and I dozed off a couple of times, but he nudged my hands with his nose every time I almost fell asleep. The pokes and prods kept me awake, and while it was absolutely miserable, it was a hell of a lot better than falling on my face or spending a week sleeping naked in the forest.

When we finally got back to Elliot’s house, his wolf set me carefully on the back porch. I fell asleep the moment my body met the wood, only waking up for the tiniest moments as Elliot carried me inside and up the stairs.

I sort of heard him exchanging a few words with Dax—and kind of heard a low growl.

My body was placed on something soft and comfortable, and then sleep took me once more.

It feltlike only moments had passed when tiny fingers were on my face and in my hair. Happy squeals and laughs made my lips turn upward, even as I groaned inwardly at the heavy exhaustion I still felt.

“Sorry,” Elliot apologized quickly, his expression a bit sheepish as he reached for Evan. “He went looking for you, and I hadn’t locked the door.”

“’Sss okay,” I mumbled, rolling a bit so I could pull my little man into my arms. My lips curved upward further as I snuggled and tickled him, and then made chomping noises as I pretended to gobble his cheeks and neck.

He laughed and laughed, squealing and shrieking happily.

“I missed you, Ev,” I murmured to him, squeezing him tightly.

He babbled at me, pointing at Elliot.

“I know, he’s a really fun guy, huh?” I acted like I understood him, like always.

Evan beamed at me, and nodded. I couldn’t help but give him a sleepy smile back.

“You haven’t seen Aunt Sabby lately, have you?” I asked him.

He kept babbling and talking, gesturing to Elliot.

“Yeah, Elliot’s great. We’re going to see if Sabby can come over, though, okay? To Elliot’s house.”

He grinned wider, and kept talking.

I rubbed his hair as I finally looked at Elliot. His hands were in the pockets of his sweats, his skin dirty from our run in the forest the night before, and his hair sticking out wildly at odd angles.

“You can watch him if you want, but I thought you might want a nap,” I told him, my eyelids getting heavier. “And Sab probably misses him. I need a shower and more sleep. I know female wolves don’t usually leave their mates after they exchange bites, but I’m not sure how your wolf is feeling—just do what’s best for you.”

Elliot nodded, his expression one I hadn’t seen on him before, despite the month my wolf and I had spent with him. The tops of his ears were red, too, which I thought was weird.

The redness spread a bit down his ears as he came over and scooped Evan out of my arms.

“Come on, big guy. Let’s call your aunt,” he told Evan, his voice a bit strained as he headed down the stairs.

I wasn’t sure what was up with him, but I was too tired to wonder.