So damn cute.

The door closed, and I headed back down the stairs.

“Do you have work to do?” Dax checked.

“Nah. The little dude is wearing me out though, I might take a nap.”

Dax grinned. “A nap, huh?”

“He hasn’t given me a break. The kid’s got so much energy, it’s insane.” I crashed to the couch, propping my head up on my arm. Lizzy’s wolf jumped up beside me, and I scratched her fur. She seemed kind of addicted to being scratched, and I liked having her close. It made me feel more connected to her, I guess. “I don’t know how she does it. Taking care of him, and working all three of her jobs… the woman’s a damned saint.”

Dax nodded. “You’ve got a chance to make her life easier, here. To take care of someone who deserves to be taken care of. Two someones, I guess.”

“I just hope she lets me.” I continued scratching her head. There were dishes in the sink, but I’d get to them later. A nap really did sound good.

“Anything else you want me to do?” Dax checked, standing up.

“Nah. You can come over later if you want to help with the playground stuff, but I’ve got it if you’re busy. I think I’ll try to spend most of the afternoon outside with Ev.”

“Alright, enjoy your nap.” Dax strode toward the door, calling out, “And the rest of your first day as a stay-at-home dad.”

I grew contemplative as I continued to pet Lizzy’s wolf, staring up at the ceiling as I did. Dax was right; I was a stay-at-home dad for the day. Hell, for however long Lizzy’s wolf was hunting me.

It was a little strange to be sort of a dad without having ever had sex, or having a conversation with the mother of the kid I was taking care of. But not in a bad way.

Not at all.

And when I closed my eyes, my mind brought up the memories I had from those first moments we met.

Her long, chocolate hair.

Those serious, hazel eyes.

The way she stood, her chin held high and her muscles strong.

She wasn’t a wildflower; she was a damned redwood.

And I didn’t know why her wolf had picked me, but I was going to do everything I possibly could to prove to her that I could be worth it.

Wailing cries for “Mick”woke me up once again.

I stumbled up the stairs, pulling the screaming Evan from his crib before carrying him to the fridge, where I’d put half of the mass quantity of chocolate milk I’d purchased.

That shit was expensive, but if it kept him happy, I’d buy out the store’s whole damned stock of it.

His butt hit the counter while I grabbed a straw. The straw went into the milk, and the room quieted as Evan sucked it down.

My forehead rested against the top of his fuzzy head, my eyes closing as I kept an arm around him, just in case he tried to bail off of the counter. The kid was wild enough that I wouldn’t put it past him.

Waking up completely took me a minute, but when I was feeling more alive, I finally lifted my head off of his. Lizzy’s wolf brushed against my hand, and I scratched her head.

I had the second bottle ready when he reached the bottom of the first one, and swapped them out quickly.

By some miracle, he made it to the bottom of the second one too. I let him hold onto it, since it was empty, and set him down on the ground when he wiggled and screeched at me to.

He tipped the bottle over, and a bunch of chocolate milk drops flew everywhere as he shook it like it was a damn maraca.

I grinned wryly. “Guess I should’ve seen that coming.”