"That's because youwant to be next to Jagger at all times."

"I do not!" she declared.

"It's okay," Scarlet reassured her. "I'd like to tryto see that Trevor guy again.

He's sucha prep--but Ihave to admit, Ireallythink that's hot!"

Onyx giggled.

"Too bad Ican't bring him here," Scarlet said. "Maybe I'll just show up at his school inhis locker room."

The two girls giggled as Onyx opened the trunk.

"But he can't know about us," Onyx said. "That's whyit's best to date vampires. We don't have to hide. Maybe you should like Sebastian?"

"He's all into Luna. That girl gets onmynerves. Isense something fake about her."

"Like she's not a real vampire?" Onyx asked as they retrieved several bags of groceries.

"No--like she's up to something. She's either reallysaccharine-sweet or totallyaloof."

"Do youthink she reallylikes Sebastian?" Onyxasked as theyheaded for the door withgroceries inhand and passed by us.

"I think she likes--" Scarlet said, but we couldn't hear her answer. They had disappeared into the factory.

Alexander took my hand and led me away from the abandoned mill.

"I have other things onmymind tonight," he said, his eyes still dreamyfrom the blood exchange, and he drove me back to the Mansion.

As I lay in my bed, I cuddled Nightmare in my arms. Alexander had finally taken my blood as his own. The moment felt as intense for me as it was for him. To be one of the few living humans in the world to have blood taken by a vampire thrilled me beyond belief. And that it had been done in a harmless and loving way made the whole event exhilarating and blissful. The most important part to me was that Alexander showed me that he needed me,craved me, wanted me. The feeling of connection I now felt to him was stronger than blood.

And that moment was muchdifferent thanwhenSebastianhad takenBecky's blood. One, she hadn't knownit had happened; two, she wasn't aware that Sebastianwas a vampire; and three--and most important--she wasn't in love with him.

With Alexander, this was something we shared together as a couple. He needed me--inside and out, just as I did him. Heart, soul, and blood.And if he'd done this, something Inever thought he would do, did that meanthat he was one step--a big step--closer toward turning me? Ithrew myhead back on the pillow in laughter.At this moment, I didn't care about being a mere mortal.A vampire had taken my blood! I'd experienced much more beyond belief since meetingAlexander Sterling. I'd always dreamed that vampires existed, and now Iknew. I'd falleninlove withone--and this verynight, he'd acted as a true vampire and shown me how much he needed me.

But what should have been a uniquely blissful moment was complicated once again by the nefarious vampire twins, Jagger and Luna. If only I could spend time just thinking about Alexander. Finally our lives could be about just us. I wondered if that would ever happen.

I was torn about the Crypt. When I thought about what Jagger was proposing, a fabulous new dance club where none before existed, I was ecstatic. Practically speaking, though, there was nothing worse than having vampires (ones other than Alexander and his family, of course) inhabiting our town and mixing with mortals. If this place became a second Coffin Club, we could only guess what new vampires would do. Would they put the lives of unsuspecting students or townspeople indanger? But the other part--the dance club itself--was exactly what I'd reallywanted all mylife.A club, a haunted happening, onlya few miles from myownhouse, that I'd be able to attend. A place, unlike school and all of Dullsville itself, where I would finally fit in.

My mind raced. Maybe I could help Jagger and the others with the plans, marketing, and decorating the Crypt. I could be the very thing they needed to bring life to the club.

Could this reallybe the gift I'd always dreamed of, and just intime for mybirthday? But this one thing that would bring excitement into my life might bring disaster toAlexander's. The increase invampires inDullsville could bring attention to them and ultimately reveal the secret identity of the one vampire I cared about the most.

Or maybe, just maybe, this could be a place like the Mansion, where Alexander could finally be himself. No hiding or pretending to be anything but himself. Just drinking real Bloody Marys and dancing until dawn.

It was a gamble, knowingAlexander's former nemesis. Jagger was a vampire who craved attentionand seemed to receive a lot because he owned a vampire club. Ultimately I was skeptical about his underlying intentions for this new club.

I was restless. For the first time in my life, the one thing I knew I needed to stop from happening was the one thing I wanted to make sure happened. Jagger, Sebastian, and the others were holed up inside the factory making plans for the Crypt while I was reduced to studying, homework, and insomnia.

Chapter 3 - Menace

What happened to your lip?" Becky asked when I hopped into her truck the following morning before school. "Did Alexander get carried away with you?"

"Is it that noticeable?" I pulled down the visor and checked my reflection in the mirror--anact I wouldn't be able to do if I were a vampire someday. I struggled with the idea that I would no longer be able to see myself and what that simple task would mean for me. To never be able to adjust things such as makeup, hair, and my clothes.

Alexander was gorgeous naturally. Iwasn't sure that Iwas readyfor the world to see me without being able to present myself the way I wanted to be seen.

As Itouched up mycut withcorpse white cover-up, Ifelt a renewed sense of confidence. It wasn't the kind of confidence one feels when securing oneself with makeup but rather an internal assurance and peace. I felt as if I couldn't containmyglow.

"What's up withyou?" Beckysaid. "You can't seem to stop smiling."

"I'm just inlove. . . ." I said dreamily.

"Me too. We are bothso luckywe found good guys. Istill can't believe that we bothhave boyfriends, canyou?"

"No," Isaid honestly.

We drove past the covered bridge that met the winding road leading up to the factory on the outskirts of town. I could see the smokestacks high above the trees, as if they were deliberately taunting me--reminding me of Jagger's presence.

"But Ihave so muchonmymind," Isaid, slightlyhinting to Becky.

"What's up?"

"If there was something youwanted to happenbut it might be a threat to others, what would you do?"

"I wouldn't want it to happen."

"It's that simple?" I asked.

"Why would I want something that was not good for everyone?"

Becky was analtruist. That's why she was such a good friend to me. But in this case I would have preferred she be a bit more cynical.