"But at least you know you won't live your whole life alone anymore." I spun around, striding to Jesse's car. "Since apparently my wolf has decided to bite you."

Dread flooded me.

After my wolf bit him, we'd be consumed with lust.

The Climax, Rocco had said.

The last thing I wanted was to have heaps of sex with someone while knowing that it wasn't as big of a deal for him as it was for me. He cared about me because I was his mate—nothing more.

What a freakin’ shit show.

"Based on the display back there, I assume you're not going to be needing a ride back," Ford drawled, striding to his car.

Jesse looked at me, and then Ford looked at me too when neither of us said anything right away.

"Give him a ride back. I have plans," I lied, sliding into the driver's seat.

When I glanced back at Jesse, he looked... confused.

While I pulled out of the parking lot, I called my only real friend other than Jesse. And things between us were so complicated that it wasn’t just plain ole’ friendship, even if he was probably my best friend. The phone rang, and Ebony picked up on the second ring.


"Hey, Ebony. It's Tea." I let out a slow breath. "I miss hanging out. Can you meet for dinner, or ice cream? I'll buy."

The wad of cash in my bra weighed a hell of a lot more than it should've.

Probably because it was Jesse's money, not mine.

She hesitated. I'd lived with her long enough to know that school always, always came first for her. But she didn't get out much, and she and I had chatted for at least a few minutes most days over the year we’d lived together. We weren't insanely close, but we were friends, and we had each other’s backs.

"Sure. Yeah. I've only got an hour or so, but we could do Taco Bell or something."

I'd have to order a shitload of food there, and Ebony would know something was different. If we went to a sandwich shop, the food would fill me for a solid half an hour and I could order another one or two after my friend left.

"How about Subway?" I checked. It wasn't the sub shop I'd worked at, but I didn't want to go back there.

"Sure. That sounds great," she agreed. "What time?"

"Half an hour?"

She said she'd be there, and we both hung up.

My mind spun as I drove down the dirt road I'd once walked. It had been so alien to me then, but now I knew it like the back of my hand. I knew which potholes to avoid, and which ones I could hit without slowing down. I knew when the turns were coming up, and where the wildlife tended to cross.

I forced myself to face the facts, to confront my emotions.

I had feelings for Jesse.

I liked him.

Liked him, liked him, in a way I hadn't liked anyone before.

But his feelings for me...they weren't real. They were created and forced by his wolf's decision to choose me. And for him, it wasn't a choice.

He could be with me, or he could be alone.

He hadn't even been fazed after our kiss. It was like it hadn't affected him at all.