I scoffed. "I don't need a babysitter."

"How about a friend?"

My scoff vanished.

I drank the rest of the alcohol. It burned, but I hoped it would take the edge off. So far, I wasn't feeling any different at all.

The bartender refilled my drink, and Ford and I were silent until he walked away again.

"Some girl hit on Jesse. The wolf snatched my body and nearly killed her. Her arm looked like..." I shook my head hard, shuddering at the images in my memory.

Ford nodded slowly, not saying anything still.

"I didn't want this," I told him. "I didn't want to be a monster. Jesse made me into this." I gestured toward my chest. "There was blood on my face. Human blood." I shuddered again. "I just...can't."

"Sounds like a shitty day." Ford finally picked up his drink, sipping at it.

"That's an understatement." I lifted my glass back to my lips and choked down some more of the burning liquid.

"And now your wolf's fine being away from Jesse?"

"Apparently. I keep trying to get her to take over, but she won’t."

Ford didn't say anything for a long moment. I was content with the quiet, until I glanced outside the window at the front of the bar.

My gaze caught on an agitated Jesse, pacing the parking lot like the damn road was out to get him.

"What's he freaking out about?" I asked Ford.

I was the one who'd been turned into a monster; I was the one who'd lost my life as I knew it.

"Your wolf shouldn't be alright with being away from him right now. If she's not insisting on being with him, it means she's done chasing him. If she's done chasing, she's either decided he's the one or she's decided he's not. Given what happened earlier, I'd assume he's thinking it's the second one."

My mind spun. "What happens if she doesn't want him?"

"He'll spend his life alone. Your wolf will eventually chase another male, and the other guy’s hunt will follow her chase."

So if not Jesse, there would be someone else for me.

Another damn werewolf match.


I couldn't do that; not to Jesse. He'd turned me into a monster, but he hadn’t really had a choice in the matter. He wasn't a complete bastard. When my emotions ran high, it was easy to blame him for everything, but deep down I knew that there wasn’t anyone to blame.

It was just… fate.

And honestly, I liked Jesse. He was a good man, and a good friend.

I’d never had a friend like him before. One I could fight playfully with, one who wasn’t offended by my sometimes-harsh jokes. One who’d call me on my shit and liked it when I called him on his.

"How will we know which it is?" I asked, my voice lower than it had been.

"She'll bite him soon, if she chooses him. If she doesn't, she'll attack him the next time he touches either of you."

I swallowed the rest of my drink. "How evil would it be to leave Jesse to his own thoughts for another ten minutes?"

Ford shot me a serious look. "If your wolf's decided he's not worthy, his entire life will be fucked, Tea. This isn't a joke for him. A werewolf without a mate usually goes insane before he turns thirty."