I banged against my mental cage, trying to figure out how the wolf took control from me so I could replicate it, but the walls holding me were solid.

Screams rang out from the girls grouped around the chatty, touchy-feely one who'd grabbed Jesse, when the saw my pissed-off wolf, who was out for blood.

She headed right for them.

"Run!" someone screamed.

My wolf dove toward the girl.

The girl's scream pierced the air, a noise that would linger with me for a long time, as her arms lifted to protect her face and throat.

My wolf's teeth sliced through the skin on her arm and broke through bone. The crunch would've been enough to make me nauseous, but her blood-curdling scream made me feel like a monster.

Her good hand clutched her broken and torn arm, lowering as she kicked and kneed my wolf.

Wolf Jesse knocked into my side, and my beast snarled at the male who'd kept her from her prey.

Said prey was already running toward the nearest building, thick mascara tears running down her face as she sobbed.

I wanted to cry too, but couldn't.

Wolf Jesse nudged me toward the woods as someone came running toward us with what looked like a dog collar attached to a pole.

The sight of the tool scared my wolf a bit, and Jesse's nudging and growling was growing more desperate by the second. She finally got the memo that those people were a threat to her, and booked it back to the forest.

Shouts followed her and Wolf Jesse into the trees. He took the lead, taking us back to our clothes.

Shifting took him no more than two minutes—he was faster than me, and seemed to be in much less pain swapping forms than I had been in.

When he was in skin, he grabbed my wolf's face. "I need you to shift back," he urged. "Those guys are looking for wolves, or at least massive dogs. You need to be in human form to stay alive."

My wolf growled. I wasn't sure if it was a "no" or a "that's bullshit," or an, "I'm growling at you to say thanks.”

"Come on, Teagan. I've protected you and marked you; you're mine to protect. Trust me on this, and stop fighting."

My wolf finally gave in.

She withdrew quickly, and I began to shift back.

The pain was excruciating. By the time I made it back to human form, there were tear streaks down my eyes, and my lashes were probably clumpy from the combination of crying and what little mascara I'd put on that morning.

"Here." Jesse quickly helped me into my clothes, then put his on minus the bitten t-shirt, and then slipped my arm over his shoulder and eased me to my feet.

"I can walk," I told him quietly.

"I know." He released me, bending down to dunk the t-shirt in a handful of snow. "Wait." He caught my arm, stopping me before I could walk away.

When I stopped, he lifted the snowy shirt to my face.

I cringed away. "What are you doing?"

"You've got some blood." His voice was steady, his eyes kind.

I lifted my hand to my face and pulled it away. When I saw the red staining my fingers, a strangled cry forced its way out.

"Shh." His arm wrapped around my waist, his other hand quickly cleaning my face with the snowy shirt.

"I'm a monster." My eyes burned, my heart beating wildly. "You turned me into a fucking monster."

"I'm sorry, Tea. Really. If there was any way to—"

"Stop. Just stop. No more excuses, or reasoning. You lulled me into thinking this is safe and normal, but it's not. I'm a monster, Jesse." I pulled out of his grip, and he let me go.