Jesse caught me, practically carrying me to the side of the walkway without letting anyone else see that he was holding nearly all of my weight. The pain vanished when his hands were on my skin.

"What the hell?" I hissed.

"What pissed your wolf off?" he murmured.

"I don't know." I spoke through clenched teeth. "Some girl was staring at you."

He gave me a sympathetic look. "Yeah, she's going to be possessive while she chases me. It'll help if we're touching."

I scoffed. "I hate this werewolf crap."

"I know." He helped me back to my feet. "Here," his hand slid down my arm, stopping when he linked his fingers with mine. The contact felt like... the most natural thing in the world.

My body was at peace, my fingers warm. As cheesy as it was, our hands fit perfectly together.

"See, this isn't so bad," he remarked, as we started walking.

Not so bad?

It was a hell of a lot better than 'not so bad'.

"Plus, anyone who looks at us will know we're together," he added. "That should help our inner-monsters."

Someone shot us a weird look, but I ignored them. It wasn't like I'd ever see them again, anyway. And crazy shit happened at college all the time.

Jesseand I ended up holding hands for most of the day. Every time we let go, my damn wolf would shoot the worst pain through my spine as she began to take control. It was miserable.

Not the hand-holding, but the wolf.

The hand-holding was... odd.

Oddly nice.

I didn't want to like it so much, but I did.

We headed home right after my last class. Jesse was as cheerful as he'd been all day, not seeming to mind one bit that he’d spent hours upon hours sitting in on lectures about stuff that had nothing to do with his degree.

While I spent the day trying to listen to the lectures rather than focus on how freaking good his hand felt in mine, he read articles about stuff that went right over my head and built some kind of 3D model on some engineering program he was apparently a wizard at.

I'd thought he was a dumb jock when we met, but clearly, I was very wrong.

And what was his backpack stuffed full of?

His laptop, and snacks. Like he was a mom with kids, in a grocery store. He seemed to have a sixth sense for knowing when I was getting hungry, which was often, and would hand me a granola bar or a bag of nuts or something before my stomach could even growl.

I can't lie; it was nice.

Not as nice as the way it felt when he held my hand, though.

Letting go of him when we reached the car was almost physically painful.

"You've got three tests to get through tonight?" he checked, as he pulled the car away from the school.

I nodded. "Yeah. They're all proctored online, so you'll have to be quiet."

He made a motion like he was zipping his lips. "Would you be up for pack dinner between exams?"

I hesitated. I'd sort of been avoiding his friends since the whole abduction and kissing situation; they were his friends, not mine. And clearly, they only liked having me around because their werewolf buddy decided I was his mate.