He moved the dresser after that, and then strode over to my suitcases while I grabbed my laptop and migrated to the desk.

I heard drawers opening and closing, and looked over to find him putting my clothes away.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He glanced over. "Moving you in. You said you're claiming this room, right?"

"Yeah, but I can do that myself."

He shot me a knowing grin. "Let's be real, Tea. You're never going to make time for that. I've got time, so I'm doing it."

I opened my mouth to argue, but closed it when I realized he was right. I would never make time to put away my clothes when they were perfectly fine in piles in my suitcases.

"Fine. Leave the underwear." I looked back at my computer, pulling up the list of crap to do for my first class.

I groaned inwardly when I saw the list, and rubbed my eyes even though I could feel the caffeine kicking in already. That coffee packed a punch.

The next few days of catch-up were going to be hellish.

Jesse finished putting my clothes away—including my underwear, that bastard—and zipped up my suitcases, disappearing with them. He returned a couple minutes later with sheets, a comforter, and a book. After he made the bed, he dropped onto the mattress and made himself comfortable.

I glanced over at him and his book, and then did a double-take.


Talk about a classic.

And not one of those long, dry classics you read in English literature, but a classic that teaches you to actually enjoy disappearing into a fictional world.

"I'm so jealous you get to read fiction right now," I told him.

He chuckled. "You're the only thing on my to-do list until we're mated, so I exist only to read and make you feel good."

He paused.

To-do list? Ha.

I snorted, and his expression went sheepish.

He scratched his head. "I didn't mean that the way it came out."

"Well it's true, isn't it?" I shot back, wanting to see him blush.

His face reddened, and I mentally patted myself on the back.

"It's adorable that you're a virgin," I told him, flashing him a grin. "And so easily embarrassed." I shook my head, clucking my tongue. "Just thinking about how red your face is going to be when you're hit with the 'mate climax' hormones is enough to make me laugh."

"There won't be enough blood left in my face for me to blush. It'll all be in my—"

We looked over at his phone as it started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and grimaced, looking back at me. "It's the main alpha, checking to make sure you're alive. You okay if I take this in the other room?"

I shrugged. "Sure." It was nice that he'd asked, though. Usually guys would just cut me off and disappear.

He stepped out, and my chest sort of tightened as my wolf came to the surface, but with Jesse’s scent all over the room and his voice floating in from the hallway, she remained calm for two minutes he was gone.

When he came back, my wolf settled and I dove back into anatomy memorization while he plopped back down on the bed and opened his book.

That was only the start of a very long night.