"That's not something he can control. Nature forces it on him. His hunt is basically his attempt to ready you for the bite... and werewolf venom numbs pain, so it doesn't actually hurt you. The numbing venom even makes your first shift painless, unlike every other one will be."

Yeah, that really made me want to be a werewolf.

"So Jesse the man has no way to communicate with his wolf right now?" I checked.


"And the wolf is just a really intelligent animal."

"Yep." He popped the "p" with his mouth.

"Basically, like a dog," I added.


"This is a lot," I groaned.

I would still try to escape, but it was looking like the wolf might outlast me when it came to my escape attempts.

"If all of this is definite, and there's nothing I can do to stop it, why can't I just bring the wolf back to my place with me?" I asked.

Ford paused.


Looked like I'd caught him.

"This is Jesse's territory. He's comfortable here, and for a wolf, comfort means patience. If you stay here with him, you'll buy yourself some more time before nature forces him to bite you. And the longer the hunt goes on, the longer you stay human," he explained.

Why couldn't they have told me all that shit before kidnapping me?

I mean, I probably wouldn't have listened. Even though I was now listening, I wasn't really taking every detail in at the moment.

But if they’d told me, it would've gone a long way toward making me less terrified.

"If that's the case, I don't see why I can't keep going to school. I could take Jesse with me, and come back here to do my homework afterward," I explained.

The conversation was starting to feel a bit too Stockholm Syndrome-ish.

The wolf growled.

Ford chuckled. "If you were working with a human, you probably could. But a wolf would have to believe you were actually going to come back, and that would take time."

"What if I take a human with me too?" I looked at Jesse. "Ford could come along in the car. Attendance isn't mandatory in a couple of my classes, but there are two that I can't miss if I want A's. And I don't want A's; I need A's."

The wolf growled.

That would be a no.

"She's just going to keep trying to escape if you don't let her go, buddy." Ford gestured to Jesse.

Jesse growled again, this time at Ford. And this time, much more menacingly.

Ford headed for the door. "Alright, I'll get out of your hair. Dinner's going to be ready in twenty minutes, so come over or we'll come get you," he called over his shoulder as he left.

The door shut behind him, and I turned to Jesse.

"I won't ever give you a chance if you cost me my scholarship," I told him, my voice low. "I have to be in class at 8 AM on Friday, and you can either take me or I can try to get there myself."