I paused. "And you should probably hurry to meet me downstairs. Some of these guys are probably going to be remembering the way I kissed them."

A soft snarl escaped him. Our lips collided, and he spoke against my mouth. "You're mine, Teapot."

"Keep telling yourself that, Kettle." I patted him on the shoulder, slipping away from him.

He caught my hips, his tongue snaking down my neck. He sucked my skin into his mouth and I bit back a groan, grinding my ass into his erection.

"You'd better be reminding them that." He swatted me on the butt before he strode into the bedroom, not bothering to shut the door behind himself.

I headed down the stairs, trying to remind myself that it hadn't been long since we'd last had sex. We were finishing up with the Climax, not just starting it. We could make it an hour without jumping each other's bones.

"Teagan," Rocco held his arms out toward me. "Welcome to the pack, permanently."

A smile parted my lips. "Thanks." I gave a fake bow. "I'm flattered to be a part of such an official group of kidnappers."

"Smartass." Rocco grinned at me.

"One of my best qualities," I agreed.

"What is?" Jesse asked, reaching the bottom of the stairs and wrapping his arms loosely around my middle. He’d thrown on sweats and a t-shirt, and I missed all that yummy bare skin.

"Her ass, according to Rocco," Zed called from the kitchen.

Jesse shot Rocco a death glare, and Rocco’s hands lifted in surrender.

"They're messing with you, dummy." I patted him on the arm. "He called me smartass, and I told him it was one of my best qualities. There's no flirting happening here, so sit your possessive butt down and chill."

Jesse relaxed, dragging me toward the kitchen table.

"How long until Jesse quits with the caveman stuff?" I asked, gesturing behind me as my man sat me down on his lap at the kitchen table.

"He'll get less possessive the longer you're together, but if someone hits on you, the response won't ever really change." Elliot shrugged.

I made a face.

"It'll get easier when the rest of us are mated, because then he won't see us as a threat," Dax added.

Well, that was better than nothing. "How can we speed that up?" I checked. "And avoid kidnapping future mates?"

"There's no way around the kidnapping. We've been over this," Ford reminded me.

"We'll think of something," I brushed that right off.

"And there's no way to speed up finding our mates. If there was, we'd have already done it," Rocco said.

The room grew a bit quieter. My gaze swept the space.

Damn, they wanted their ladies.

"Well I hope one of you brought food, because our fridge is officially empty," I declared.

A few of the guys chuckled.

"We've got the goods," Rocco promised, though his typical grin wavered a bit. "Zed even offered to cook. He'll act like he's not glad you're here, but he's full of shit."

A few of the other guys grinned, and Jesse's chuckle rumbled my back.

"Is Zed a bad cook or something?" I looked between the guys.