Her teeth closedaround Jesse's wrist. His jaw clenched, but he watched my wolf intensely as she bit down on him. She wasn't trying to hurt him, the way she'd tried to hurt the girl on campus, so she didn't bite hard at all.

When she withdrew from his hand, she licked his wound. The fingers on his other hand tangled in her fur, and he tugged her against his chest.

"Thank you," he murmured to her. "I feel lucky that you chose me as your mate."

She licked his face, and he scratched behind her ears.

The wolf turned to his injury, licking at the blood until the wound stopped bleeding and closed up. It healed miraculously fast, and then the wolf snuggled up against Jesse. He stood up straight, lifting her and hauling her upstairs. "To bed with you," he told the wolf.

She whined.

"I know it's early, but it's been a long day. And you used your venom when you bit me, so I know you're feeling worn-out. Tea will need to do a lot of schoolwork tomorrow, so you've got to sleep when you can," he warned the wolf.

When he set her down on his bed, she dropped her head to her paws and stared at him.

Her stomach rumbled, and Jesse swore. "I haven't been feeding you enough."

She made a noise of agreement.

"I'll be right back with food." He disappeared back down the stairs.

As soon as he was gone, the wolf withdrew from me rapidly. I bit down on a groan as my body slowly shifted back over three or four minutes, and when I was me again, flopped to the bed on my stomach.

A wave of something tore through my lower belly, and I bit back a moan.

Was I feeling...horny?

Oh shit.

The Climax.

Jesse's footsteps were loud on the stairs. He held a giant plate of food, but stopped before stepping inside the room.

I peeked an eye at him, and saw his hand reach up to grip the doorway. He clutched the plate like it was a lifeline.

"Shit," he hissed.

Another wave of heat tore through my abdomen. I moaned, rolling over to my back to take the weight off of it.

"Dammit.” His jaw was clenched tight. "Blanket on, now."

Good idea.

I grabbed it and tugged it over my skin, all the way up to my neck.

Jesse walked stiffly over to me. Since he was still only wearing his underwear, his bulge was obvious.

"Eat this," he said gruffly.

My horny, lust-driven mind took my eyes straight to his dick.

He swore again. "Teapot..."

"We might need a chaperone," I murmured.

His eyes flooded with hatred. "I'll kill anyone who comes near you."