Clearly, she was not a pro when it came to logical thinking. Why the hell was she running away from our only tether to the werewolf world?

She was running like something was out to get her. Trees and branches and rocks flew past us as she sprinted her wolfy heart out.

I itched to take control, but I hadn't figured out how to do that; how to fight her.

Leaving her in charge of my body felt like a self-betrayal, but there was no alternative that I could see.

She must've run for an hour without a sign of anything but dirt and trees and other normal forest shit, but when she heard a soft rustle off to her side, she finally slowed. How she heard it was beyond me—I wouldn't have heard that tiny noise.

But she did, and stopped.

Her gaze narrowed in the direction the rustling had come from.

After all the animated movies I'd watched growing up, I half expected a bunny to jump out so we could laugh it off or something.

Instead, Jesse the wolf slipped out of the brush, his tail wagging.

He trotted up to my wolf and nuzzled her neck. She lifted her chin, letting him sniff her neck, followed by her sides and butt.

Wolves were so weird.

He was still sniffing when she must've decided she was done standing there, so she turned around and sprinted back into the forest without a glance backward.

Wolf Jesse caught up to her quickly, running at her side. They dodged branches and shit together. It seemed like hours had passed when they finally reached the row of townhouses that marked our home.

The wolves stopped in the forest and nuzzled each other a few times. I wasn't sure what they were doing, until pain spasmed in my spine.


Shifting back.


I cried out silently, agony tearing through my body again as it began to change.

When the pain was finally gone, I was face down in the dirt, bare-assed and utterly exhausted. One of my nipples was smashed up against a largeish rock, and something sharp jabbed into my hip, but I didn't have the energy to get up.

"You okay?" Jesse the man asked, his voice soft. He gently moved tangled strands of hair away from the sliver of my face that he could see with my nose smashed into the dirt.

I groaned weakly.

"That bad, huh?" His hands were careful on my arms. "Can I carry you?"

I made an angrier noise that came out sounding like a sound a dying animal would make.

He chuckled. "Alright. We'll give it a minute to see if you start feeling better."

His fingers combed more of my hair out of my face, draping it over my back as best as he could.

"Your wolf was testing mine," Jesse explained quietly, filling the silence as we waited.

I was feeling shittier by the moment, so I doubted I'd get better, but wasn't ready to admit that.

"She wanted to know if he could track her through the forest by her scent. It's a pretty common test for wolves—the females want to know that the males can find them should they get separated. When she let my wolf sniff her, she was acknowledging that he passed the test even without knowing her scent intimately."

I would've glared at the dirt if I could open my eyes.

Freakin’ wolves, and their freakin’ tests.