I walkedout of there loaded with cookies, feeling more confused than ever... and also just a little, tiny bit hopeful.

Rocco and Dax hauled Jesse's old furniture up to the spare bedroom for me. I hadn't ever really gone inside it, but I needed to move the stuff over to Jesse's room now that I was taking it over.

I followed them back down the stairs after they'd set everything on the ground in the spare room for me.

"Thanks, guys." My hands landed in Jesse's fur, like they always seemed to.

"You can thank us by coming to dinner." Rocco gave me a tentative grin. "We'd like to get to know you."

I was feeling too thinky to leave the house—and needed to study when I was done rearranging my room. "How about tomorrow?" I asked.

"Deal." Rocco offered me a hand.

I stepped toward him and puckered my lips, teasing him by reaching for his face. Dax grabbed me around the waist, spinning me away from Rocco, and I burst out laughing.

"I'm just messing with you guys. I'm not actually going to kiss you."

Neither of them looked convinced.

They really didn’t know me, or my sense of humor.

"See you tomorrow," Rocco said quickly, and then they ducked out.

I was still grinning broadly as I walked to the front door. Locking it up, I turned to find Jesse eyeing me suspiciously. "It was a joke," I told him.

He growled.

"Seriously, it was just a joke. My lips are lonely, but not that lonely."

Jesse jumped up on his back legs, plopped his front paws on my shoulders, and licked me right across the lips. I shoved him off, spitting and gagging.

"Blech, that's nasty. You can't go licking people's mouths, Jess. That's just foul." I noticed his wolfy grin and narrowed my eyes. "My lips will never be lonely enough for a wolf kiss, alright?"

He made a coughing sound that was suspiciously close to a laugh.


"You're lucky you're cute and furry. If you were a guy, I'd kick you in the balls."

He did his cough-laugh again.

I flipped him the bird, shaking my head as I climbed up to the second floor. As cute as Jesse's townhouse was, a girl could definitely get tired of stairs.

I stepped into the spare room, AKA, my new bedroom.

Where to begin...

There were only a few pieces of furniture to drag across the hall to Jesse's room, so I decided to start with those.

I rolled the desk chair over, followed by a little side-table that held what looked like one of those forty-dollar crapshoot printers that would survive anywhere from a day to ten years, depending entirely on your luck.

Leaving those, I headed back for the desk. Since I hadn't been in the spare room for more than a few seconds before, I hadn't noticed the laptop sitting closed and plugged in on the desk, or the stack of papers beside it.

"What have you been up to, Human Jesse?" I murmured, leaning over the table.

I leafed through the papers, my eyebrows lifting higher with every one I saw. There were printouts from five different classes: applied programming, computer architecture, embedded systems, computer security, and web backend development.