I braced myself for a massive hug from a stranger.

It didn't come.

"It's so good to meet you, Teagan." Her voice was warm, her smile bright and genuine. "I hope my son isn't giving you too much trouble."

Rocco snorted. "She's the one giving him trouble."

I fought the urge to flip him off.

"Then she's doing it right." She flashed me another of her big smiles.

Maybe I liked Jesse's mom after all.

"Come on in. Unlike the boys, I have cookies." She winked at me.

Okay, I definitely liked Jesse's mom.

Following them in, I nudged Jesse. "Go lick your mom," I whispered. "She probably misses you."

He gave me the stink-eye.

"A wolf would never lick someone other than their mate. It's a method of kissing for them," Jesse's mom told me as we approached her small but clean kitchen. She pulled a plate of chocolate chip cookies from the microwave, and my mouth watered just at the smell of them.

It had been way too long since I had chocolate anything.

The woes of being broke.

"I didn't know that," I told her.

"Clearly these boys haven't been fulfilling their role in explaining our world to you." She shot them an annoyed look that rivaled my own.

They both reddened, embarrassed.

Okay, maybe Jesse's mom was my hero.

"Wolves also don't like to be touched by anyone other than their mate's human." She gestured to my hand, which had somehow found itself in Jesse's fur once again. "When they brush up against you the way he's doing, they're marking you with their scent so others know that you belong to them."

I glanced down at Jesse.

No wonder he brushed up against me so often.

Jesse had let a few other women touch him on campus, but usually he managed to avoid it. Maybe when he let them, it was because he didn’t see an alternative other than leaving the area he knew I was.

"But it's also a way to show affection," Rocco added.

"Right. You'll notice him sticking closer to you when you're upset," she agreed.

"I have noticed that. Is it weird that he licks my legs a lot?" I checked.

Jesse's mom chuckled. "That just means he likes you. I imagine he's getting excited about what your wolf may look like now that you're warming up to him."

My cheeks heated. "I'm not really warming up to him. We just have an agreement." I withdrew my hands from his fur, crossing them over my chest.

"Of course. Here, have a cookie." She lifted the plate toward me. "Boys, you know where Jesse's old room is. Go ahead and take the mattress." She looked at me as they headed toward his old room. "Did you need a dresser and desk?"

I nodded, my face burning hotter. I hated asking for help.

"The rest of the furniture, too," she called after the guys.