Page 11 of Mountain Maid

Simone holds it against my body, her lips pursed. “I thought so,” she mutters to herself. “What is your shoe size?”

“Um, a nine.”

“Perfect. You’re the same size as my daughter,” Simone beams.

“This is your daughter’s dress?” I ask, trying to keep up.

Simone nods. “She’s off traveling in Peru, and most of her clothes are still hanging in her closet at home. I know she’d want you to wear this, and there’s a pair of shoes to match.”


“Ah, ah! No ‘buts.’ A proper date deserves a proper dress,” Simone insists.

I’m flabbergasted. “Why are you doing this?”

“I’ve seen how hard you work to keep yourself afloat, no thanks to those lazy good-for-nothings who leech off you. You deserve this, Elli. You deserve to be swept off your feet by someone, and something tells me Noah is the one,” she says with a cheeky wink.

I bite my lip. “It’s like I’ve known him forever, but… we only met twenty-four hours ago. It’s all happening so fast.”

“I knew my husband was my soul mate the second I laid eyes on him. We were married within a month of meeting, and we just celebrated thirty years together.” Simone winks. “If you know, you know, and if the way Noah was looking at you last night was any indication, he knows too.”

I throw my arms around Simone, hugging her impulsively. “Thank you. You’re my real-life fairy godmother.”

“No thanks necessary,” she murmurs, returning my hug. She pulls back to look at me with a grin. “And you shall go to the ball.”