
Thayer finished wrapping the female’s head and checked her vitals once more. Everything was stable with her, and now it was just a matter of waiting until she woke.

She had a few superficial scrapes and cuts, most likely from the glass breaking, but the seatbelt had saved her life. His heart constricted at the thought, and a wave of relief washed through him. He absently rubbed the center of his chest, not knowing where the unexpected emotions came from.

He had given her five sutures on the laceration on her forehead, which surprisingly had been the only major injury on her. His medical training had come in handy more than once, especially when Deacon ended up injured for one reason or another because he flipped the switch, which happened more often than not.

Thayer moved back to his desk and watched Deacon over the rim of his reading glasses. His brother watched the female like she was the tallest glass of water and he was in the Mojave Desert.

If he didn’t know what kind of aggression and animalistic tendencies his older brother harbored, he wouldn’t have worried about the girl’s safety, but because he had seen Deacon unhinged more than once, there was a part of him that couldn’t help but be concerned.

Deacon had never harmed a female, but Thayer had noticed over the past few years his brother sinking deeper into himself. He was starting to become more animal than man.

Being Snow Leopard shifters gave them the power to control both halves: the animal and human. Deacon had never been “normal” in that sense, never able to separate his two selves. With time it became increasingly clear that he was getting worse, especially being so isolated.

Thayer knew Deacon’s relationship with their father was most likely the cause of his inner struggle, and if he could have taken it away from his older brother he would have.

Their father had been too hard on Deacon, and because of that the man before him was broken in many senses.

“Maybe you should go into town, and get yourself a female for the night. You look like you’re about ready to snap.”

Deacon brought the now half empty bottle of whiskey to his mouth and took a long pull. When he lifted his eyes they were hard and unyielding.

“Listen, I’m just trying to make sure you get rid of all that extra energy before the girl wakes up and sees that wild look you got in your eyes. You’re going to scare the shit out of her.”

Deacon stood and paced the length of the living room before taking long strides into the kitchen and setting the bottle down on the island. He braced his hands on the granite top and exhaled loudly.

Thayer knew there was too much going on inside of his brother, knew that if he didn’t release all of it the explosion of violence and aggression would be devastating.

The only ways that helped relieve all that testosterone were to run, fight, or fuck it out.

“Yeah, I think you’re probably right.” He ran his hand over the back of his head. “I was about to take down a buck when I caught her scent.” Deacon turned around, his body facing Thayer’s, but his eyes right back on the female. “Yeah, I think I need to blow off some steam.” He slid his eyes to Thayer. “She’ll be okay?”

“She’ll be fine. I gave her some pain meds, so she should sleep through the night.” It took him a few moments to move from his spot, but when he finally shut the front door behind him Thayer found himself relaxing.

The tension in the room from Deacon had been thicker than hell, and as soon as he left it was like a monumental weight had been lifted out of the room. He sat there for several moments, his eyes on the small, huddled form beneath the blankets on the couch.

There was definitely something about her. Even Thayer felt like a bee to honey in her presence. The scent of her was incredible. It was fresh and clean and had just a hint of apple in it.

The aroma called out to him, actually caused his cock to harden.

He found himself standing and moving toward her. She was so small compared to them. There was no way she was more the five-foot-three and a buck twenty soaking wet. The blankets were pulled up under her chin.

The couch may be comfortable, but it certainly wasn’t the best place for someone trying to recuperate. He gripped her behind her knees and behind her shoulders. She weighed hardly anything in his arms, and there was a part of him that grew warm at the knowledge she was in his arms.

Shaking his head, he knew his thoughts were ludicrous. He didn’t know this woman, and she was injured. If she knew who and what they really were she wouldn’t want anything to do with them anyway. He needed to keep his distance from her, and he really needed to make sure Deacon did the same.

If she had this kind of effect on him, a man who could control the animal inside, he hated to think how Deacon fared. The need to possess her had been written clearly on his brother’s face. Thayer tightened his hold around her at the thought.

He pushed open the door to the guest bedroom and walked to the bed. After laying her on the mattress and making sure was still covered, he stood above her and watched her chest rise and fall.

If she were to wake up right now and see him there was no doubt in his mind that she would think he was a creepy bastard. Even he could see the way he acted was out of character for him and Deacon. Shaking his head he forced himself to turn and leave.

He contemplated staying beside her bed to make sure she was okay, that she didn’t wake up confused and frightened.

That thought was immediately pushed aside because he knew without a doubt he would scare the shit out of her if she woke up in the middle of the night and saw some strange man in her room.

No, they would deal with the situation in the morning when both of their heads were clear.