The feel of the downy fur that covered him was a pleasant feeling, but inside she still screamed this was suicide on her part. A wild animal stood before her, a killer. But this was also Deacon, the man she had fallen in love with.

“How is this even possible?” She talked to herself, but the animal whined low, and she snapped her eyes to his. The blue seemed to glow in the darkness, reminding her of some otherworldly creature. “Am I dreaming?”

She could have laughed at herself for talking to him, but it was like her heart and brain were on autopilot and trying to make sense of what was going on because she had just seen the man she loved turn into a leopard.

Moving her hand down his neck, she could feel the corded muscles beneath his fur. The black spots stood out against the white snow. His tail, thick and long, gently swayed back and forth.

The sound of footfalls behind her had Deacon tensing and jumping up. He used his body to push her back until she was on her belly. Though his head was low, teeth bared, and low growls were coming from his chest, she realized he wasn’t about to kill her.

He protected her. Lifting his head after a moment, he sniffed the air and straightened his body. He saw Thayer stepping through the brush and walking slowly toward them.

“Jesus, Jessa. Are you okay, sweetheart?” The snow under Thayer’s boots sounded like glass breaking. Deacon’s lithe body moved to the side, but kept close enough to her that his body brushed along hers and his heat kept her warm from the frigid temperature.

He dropped down on his haunches and looked at her with concern in his eyes.

Blood covered his white shirt that peeked out from his coat, and she also noticed a smattering across his cheek. Hand covering her mouth because she felt bile rise in her throat, she couldn’t believe the gentle giant that she loved as well looked the way he did.

Blood was macabre on his cheek, and all she could think about was him launching himself at Paul like a beast consumed him. She swallowed at that thought.

“Are y—” God, she couldn’t even say it. “Are you one also?” Snapping her eyes toward Deacon, she saw his piercing blue eyes locked on hers.

“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you inside where it’s warm, and then we can talk about everything.” She let him help her stand, but as soon as she was on her feet she pushed away. They stood side-by-side, a man and an animal. Could Thayer shift into one of those … things as well?

“You don’t have anything to fear from us. We would never hurt you, Jessa.” Thayer held his hand out for her to take. His voice coaxed her, like he saw her as some spooked critter scurrying around in the woods.

She supposed, in a way, that was just what she was.

All of this seemed ludicrous, but she knew they would never hurt her. Even if this whole situation didn’t make sense, it was real. Deacon was a damn animal shifter, and her proof stood right in front of her. “Did you kill Paul?” Everything around her stopped as she waited for Thayer’s answer.

A low growl came from Deacon, and his ears flattened on his head. She took a step back.

“Deacon, chill the fuck out. You’re scaring her.” Thayer breathed out roughly and looked back at her. Deacon made another whining noise and sat on his hind legs. “Jessa, please come back to the house with us. You’ll freeze to death out here.” Shaking her head, she took another step back.

“I need to know what the hell is going on.”

Deacon huffed out and stood on all fours. He slowly made his way back toward her, his eyes bright, and the sound of his purring loud. Jessa didn’t move as his body brushed against hers.

He placed himself at her side and leaned into her.

The animal beside her was so massive that his weight made her spread her legs wider so she didn’t fall. He moved beside her to keep her warm. A little bit of her fear left her at that realization.

“No, Paul isn’t dead, but I was damn close to ending his miserable life.” Thayer’s eyes flicked over her face, and his jaw hardened.

“What the hell is going on?” She whispered at the same time she looked down at Deacon. Lifting his massive head, he nuzzled his wet nose against her hand.

“We wanted to ease you into this, to what we are.” Dropping his head, Thayer sighed. “We were born to a small community of shifters. It was all we knew for a long time. We didn’t have a loving family, as Deacon told you.”

Pain filled his voice, and she wanted to go to him, but she stayed in place. She needed to hear what he had to say.

“There is a lot more out there in this world than you would believe. Yes, I can shift into a snow leopard like Deacon, but, sweetheart, we would never hurt you.”

He moved toward her until she could have reached her hand out and touched him.

“You are the only thing that has ever meant anything to us. All I ask is that you trust us.” The vibration of Deacon purring beside her and of Thayer touching her cheek, had the emotions she felt for them rising to the surface.

Her fear, anger, and frustration were buried under the weight of her love for them.

“None of this makes sense, but I know I love you two, and I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” She leaned into Thayer’s touch and placed her hand atop Deacon’s head. “I’m ready to hear whatever you have to say, and keep my mind open.” Thayer pulled her into a tight hug, and she closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest.