What she knew with certainty was if Paul got her in his car, she would not be able to escape. He would make sure that never happened again.

“Now, are you going to come home with me like a good girl, or do I have to drag you kicking and screaming?”

His grin had chills racing up her spine.

“Because I’ll tell you what, Jessa, the idea of you screaming turns me on.” He held his hand out for her, and she eyed it. Just the thought of touching him repulsed her.

She could see his SUV parked close to the garage. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she slipped one of her hands into her coat pocket and felt her keys.

Jessa swallowed and placed her other hand in his. It took everything inside of her to keep the bile down.

“Good girl, Jessa.” His hand tightened on hers to the point that pain shot up her arm. “It’s lucky your little bastards aren’t here, sweet thing.” The way he grinned looked like a starving wolf in the darkness. “We’re going to deal with the little stunt you pulled before you left.

He raised his hand, and she flinched. His laugh was low and deadly. He brushed the pale hair away from his forehead, and she could see the nasty looking damage the fire poker delivered.

“You’re going to get punished for this, darlin’.” He pulled her forward so hard she stumbled and slipped on the slick ground.

It was hard to keep up with him, and when he opened the passenger door and shoved her in, she knew she couldn’t let this happen.

She didn’t fight him as he pushed her onto the seat, but she was ready to bolt as soon as he started walking around the front of the car.

The garage was behind them, and she had her keys in her hand. When he started to make his way around the car she knew this was her only chance. Adrenalin and endorphins pumping a mile a minute, Jessa threw open the door and ran to the garage.

She knew he kept the side door open, and if she could get to it she could lock it once inside. The bag hanging off her shoulder fell to the ground in her haste to escape.

Her breath sawed in and out of her, and she pumped her arms, trying to eat up the distance in the on the slippery ground.

The sound of Paul’s curse and then the heavy fall of footsteps behind her filled her ears. Lungs burning, she ran because her life depended on it.

The spotlight over the garage showed her the way, but when she rounded the side the darkness cloaked it like the dead. She ripped open the side-door and slammed it shut behind her.

Hands shaking uncontrollably, she turned the lock just as Paul threw his body against the door.

A scream left her as she watched the frame rattle. Sprinting to the car, she fumbled with her car keys, before slipping inside and shoving them in the ignition. She could hear Paul slamming his body against the door.

He called her every name in the book, and promised her he would beat her until she turned black and blue once he caught her. His words weren’t just a threat; they were a promise.

The car purred to life, and she sent up a silent prayer of thanks.

“Shit.” She stared at the closed garage door and then whipped her head to the right. The door practically bowed forward as Paul continued to muscle his way inside.

She had to give Deacon and Thayer credit, because their craftsmanship was sturdy and strong. The garage door opener was on the wall right by the freaking door that Paul tried to get through.

Jessa knew she wasted valuable time, so pulling up her courage she darted out of the car and ran toward the opener. She knew she would have to be quick, because once Paul knew what she was doing he’d attack with a vengeance.

Jessa reached out and slammed her hand on the opener, but just as she turned to make a mad dash for the car the door burst open, and Paul grabbed a chunk of her hair.

She screamed and reached back as he tugged hard enough to have fierce pain slamming into her skull and her body flying backward.

Her ass landed on the cement ground, and a burning agony climbed up her spine. Tears of pain, fear, and frustration pricked her eyes as she stared up at Paul.

A dark look crossed his face, a look she had seen so many times. It was the expression right before he hit her. Bracing herself for the blow, she saw his hand swing toward her right before it connected with her cheek.

Her ear rang, and floaters flashed before her eyes. She felt her lip split open, and then the tangy, metallic taste of blood filling her mouth.

“That was just a sample of what I’m going to do to you.”

Before he could say anything else, or move for that matter, two bright headlights filled the driveway.

She felt the floodgates open up as she cried hard and powerfully.

Deacon and Thayer were back.