“I take it that’s an old flame?” She teased him, and he turned to look at her. He didn’t want to lie, but he really didn’t want to talk about Rosie. “I’m sorry, that’s none of my business.”

She turned away and brought the cup to her mouth. He watched her lips form around the lid, and his heart hammered hard.

The sight was so innocent, but to him it felt like a hot poker in his groin.

“That’s Rosie. She’s—” He hated this, hated confessing the things he did with other females even if nothing between him and Jessa had happened yet. It just felt wrong to him, to his animal. “Yeah, she’s an old flame.” Jessa didn’t say anything after that, but her expression didn’t show anything either.

He went to shift his truck into gear when her hand landed on his arm. “Hey, I’m not sure why you feel so uncomfortable telling me about that. We have all done things in our past we might not be proud of.” She laughed lightly. “Hell, I should be the poster child for what your life can end up like if you make bad decisions.”

She dropped her hand from him and started fidgeting with her jacket.

“Listen, I’m not sure what’s happening between the three of us.” She looked at him through her lashes. “But what I do know is that I’ve never felt such a connection with any other person that I have with you and Thayer. It steals my breath.”

The way she showed him her heart so openly stole his breath.

“If my life has taught me anything, it’s that you have to trust your gut. I should have believed my instincts when they were shouting at me to leave Paul, but my fear of the unknown kept me with him.”

“I believe in fate, and I know that it was no accident that you found me where you did. If I hadn’t left Paul, I wouldn’t have crashed into that tree. You wouldn’t have saved my life, and I wouldn’t have met two of the most caring, compassionate, and wonderful men in the world. It’s only been days and hours since meeting you two, but you’ve stolen my heart.” His words had him pulling her toward him and latching his mouth onto hers.

She hadn’t said she would stay, but the way she bared herself to him had hope springing in his chest that maybe she would stay with them.

Their mouths crushed together, their tongues dueling. Arousal spiked his blood, causing the feeling of intoxication to sweep through him. The fog of desire started to overtake him, and he found his hands sliding to her chest.

Her bulky coat was in his way, but when he went to unzip it her hands landed on his, stopping him.

“I really don’t want to give the coffee shop patrons a show.” She smiled against his mouth, and he chuckled.

He had never laughed so much, had never felt so much happiness.

And it was all because of this sweet, tiny female sitting beside him.

He kissed her once more and put the truck in reverse. Even though he would love to sit here and continue to talk about how she felt, he needed to reveal some of his own dark secrets.