
The truck bounced around on the uneven, snow packed ground. The scent of green apples filled the cab of the truck, and for what seemed like the hundredth time Deacon found himself looking over at her.

When he asked her if she wanted to go into town he had seen the bright light enter her eyes. No doubt she had a bit of cabin fever. Although he wouldn’t mind having her in bed with him all day, she needed interaction with others.

He knew all too well the effects of isolation.

“So, where are we going?” She looked over at him and smiled. Even with her knitted hat bunched low on her forehead and her jacket that was thicker than her, his cock still grew hard at the sight of her.

“Thought I’d show you around town, maybe drive by the more popular attraction.” He kept his eyes on the road. “Steal South isn’t that big of a town, but we do have a major grocery store, so that has to account for something.”

He turned and smiled at her. She turned and looked out the passenger side window. Silence descended over them, but it was comfortable.

“I’d like to get a paper, please.” Her voice seemed distant, and he knew where her thoughts were. Deacon knew from experience that horrors like she had seen wouldn’t be erased.

They might never go way, but with time they would fade, and with the love that he and Thayer could show her, she might be able to understand that there was more to life than what she had experienced.

“Yeah, sure.” Tightening his hand on the steering wheel, he thought about the conversation he needed to have with her. “I’d like to talk with you, too.” When he looked at her he noticed she already had her gaze on him.

“Yeah, okay.”

Silence came over the cab again.

The small town of Steal South came into view. He navigated his truck through the small streets, pointing out the main focal points of the town, the grocery store, hardware store, mechanic shop, and so forth.

She seemed genuinely interested, but her voice grew excited when she saw one of those chain coffee stores.

“I take it you like your coffee?” He pulled into a parking spot in front of the building and turned off the engine. Her grin widened as she turned and looked at him.

“You have no idea. There isn’t anything wrong with the coffee you guys make at the house, but I like mine a little fancy.” She hopped out of the cab before he could even open the door for her.

The coffee shop was packed when they walked in, and the little bell above the door jangled to notify every one of their arrival. A long line formed in front of the register, and he made his way toward it, Jessa’s hand in his.

The smell of coffee beans, vanilla, and pastries filled the air. Deacon’s attention was on Jessa when the customers in front of them stepped away.

When he lifted his gaze his eyes clashed with black ones. Rosie stared at him with a hint of surprise. Her lips, painted a bright shade of red, were slightly opened, as if she wanted to say something to him.

The last time he had seen her was when he had found Jessa. He had forced himself to go into town and find a female to unleash all his energy.

They had shared a few intimate encounters over the past few months, but this last time she had shown an interest in more than just sharing a couple of hours of pleasure. He had vowed to cut off his sexual relationship then.

Even if Jessa hadn’t come into the picture, Deacon didn’t do long term. But now that he had Jessa, the very idea of having any kind of sexual relationship with another female felt abhorrent.

Tightening his hand on Jessa’s, he took a step forward. He didn’t miss the way Rosie’s eyes dropped down. A frown marred her overly made-up face at the sight of their entwined hands.

“Large coffee, black, and…” he turned toward Jessa and saw her watching Rosie. She looked at him and then back at Rosie again, and he swore he could see the wheels in her mind working.

“Can I have a large cappuccino with nutmeg and cinnamon, please?” She smiled, and Deacon could tell it was genuine.

“Give us two cinnamon rolls, too.” He handed Rosie the money. She watched him for far longer than what he thought was polite.

They stepped to the side, and Deacon placed his body slightly in front of Jessa’s. It wasn’t that he saw Rosie as a threat to Jessa, but a spurned lover might not take kindly to the new girl in town.

His intention had been to find a quiet spot in the coffee shop to talk to her, but with it being overly crowded and Rosie working there, Deacon didn’t want to stay.

How bad was it that he hadn’t even known an ex-lover worked there?

They climbed in the truck, and he threw the newspaper he had grabbed on the seat between them. He cranked the engine but didn’t pull out. The car was still relatively warm, but he idled there and drank his coffee.