
Several more days passed, and Jessa found herself actually becoming disappointed at the thought of her car being fixed.

Of course that was a ridiculous thing to think given the fact she needed to get away from her life, not stay holed up with two gorgeous men.

The fact that they had accepted her so freely, even after everything she had told them, blew her mind. How anyone could still want a damaged woman, one who had possibly killed her ex, baffled her.

She had gone to bed an hour ago, but all she could think about was the raw, uninhibited sex she had with Deacon.

It had been one of the most exhilarating experiences of her life.

What she also couldn’t stop thinking about was feeling Thayer’s hands on her. Even when she had been wrapped around Deacon and he had been thrusting inside of her, thoughts and images of Thayer had played through her mind.

How screwed up was that? The fact she wanted both men, brothers, too, seemed taboo and wrong on some level. She hadn’t been with Deacon since their time in the garage, and she found her body in a constant state of arousal.

Just watching them sit on the couch, their feet propped up on the coffee table, their arms slung over the back of the couch turned her on. Even their plain tees and loose sweats made her wet.

Like right now, that image of their bulging muscles pressing against the thin material of their shirts, had warmth spreading through her.

The fire had cast light and shadow across their bodies, making them seem like seductive angels or erotic demons.

Closing her eyes, Jessa remembered when Deacon had called her his. The way he said it, so sure that she would accept, and so possessive had frightened her, but not because she feared his words.

Fear had swum in her blood because she knew in her soul that him proclaiming that was not just a statement, but a promise.

She lay on her back and looked at the ceiling. Who’s to say Deacon wanted more from her than that one time? Although she swore she could feel the sexual tension between all three of them.

Did Deacon tell Thayer he had sex with her? And if he did how would Thayer react? She covered her face with her hands and groaned.

Ugh, they probably think I’m some kind of floozy. Who in the hell says floozy anymore?

Pushing those thoughts from her mind, she thought back to the mess she was actually in. Although they had electricity in the cabin, they didn’t own a television.

Desperation to find out if she had killed him filled her mind constantly. Their radio hadn’t revealed any information, or if there was a manhunt out for the murderer of her ex.

She supposed that was a good thing. Maybe she hadn’t killed him. If she had wouldn’t there have been something said on the news? The more time she spent with them, hiding away, the higher her chance of being caught.

Jessa wasn’t worried about the authorities. What haunted her dreams were of Paul being alive and coming after her. The idea that maybe she had killed him filled her with almost relief, because she knew if she didn’t he would hunt her down like an animal.

A shiver worked through her, and she brought the blankets to her chin.

Footsteps sounded down the hall and then stopped right in front of her door. She stared at it and felt her heart start to quicken when the doorknob turned.

Licking her lips at the thought of Deacon or Thayer coming to her, she pushed herself up on her elbows just as the door opened. The dark figure that stood in the doorway was silhouetted by the light behind him.

He didn’t speak as he walked in and shut the door behind him. Her eyes adjusted once more to the darkness, and adrenalin pounded through her veins when she saw Thayer standing before her.

The moonlight streaming through the window cast a silvery glow across his body. His chest rose and fell steadily, not like the frantic rhythm of hers.

Could he see the want in her eyes? Even in the darkness she could feel their combined heat and arousal fill the room. She had been wet before, just thinking about them, but having Thayer stand in front of her sent goose-bumps over her skin and had a gush of moisture leaving her.

He moved closer until he stood at the edge of the bed. This was it. She could either send him away or welcome him into her bed. But did he know she had been with Deacon?

“I slept with Deacon.” The words blurted out of her mouth, and she was thankful for the covering of darkness to hide the heat that stole her cheeks.

“I know.” His low response didn’t hold the disgust she thought she’d hear. “Do you want me, Jessa?”

She swallowed roughly and nodded. “Yes.” She pulled the covers away from her and watched with bated breath as he lifted his arms behind him and gripped his shirt, pulling it over his head from behind.