
“You sure you’re feeling all right?”

Jessa smiled and looked over her shoulder at Thayer. That was the third time in the past hour he had asked her. “I’m fine, really.” He looked at her sheepishly, and she chuckled.

“I’m sorry. I’m probably driving you crazy asking you every five minutes.”

She turned away from the window. “No, you’re not.” She smiled. “I’ve never had anyone want to make sure I was okay as much as you do.”

Her body heated at his close proximity. Her nipples pebbled, and moisture gathered between her thighs. The look he gave her left nothing to the imagination on what he wanted.

His emotions were written clearly on his face, and she wondered if hers were as well. Could he see that in just twenty-four hours she ached to have him touch her, to have his brother do the same?

Was she that fucked-up in the head that she wanted the first men she came across? For the second time since meeting Thayer and Deacon she thought this, and for the second time she felt shame.

Tearing her eyes from his she looked out the window just as Deacon’s truck drove up the driveway with her smashed in Honda trailing behind.

She had wanted to go with him, to at least make herself useful, but when he had scowled at her she had dropped the subject.

Since they told her she could stay at their place while he fixed her car, she tried to think of ways to lessen the burden of her stay. She insisted on making meals and cleaning up.

The look they had given her made it clear they didn’t have a problem with that. Their almost innocent expression of pleasure over that had her smiling. It was a small price to pay for their kindness.

The massive truck stopped parallel to the cabin, and her heart sank at the sight of her little Honda. The driver’s side was completely smashed in, and the window broken.

The windshield was cracked throughout the length of it. Thayer’s warm breath was by her ear, and when he whistled at the sight she didn’t have the strength to be irritated.

The hairs on her arms stood up at the feel of his close proximity.

“Looks like that tree came out of nowhere, huh?” His voice teased, and she closed her eyes at the way it made her feel. She really needed to get control of herself.

She turned her head, not really knowing how to respond, but feeling the need to defend her poor car. His face was so close to hers, and the feel of his breath, minty and warm, brushing along her face, had the urge to close her eyes and lean closer riding her strong.

Of course she didn’t do that, not because she didn’t want to, because God help her she sooo wanted to, but because she did have a little self-respect. She licked her lips and saw the way his eyes dipped down to watch the act.

She used that moment to take in his masculine features. Hard planes, a straight nose, and full lips had him looking like he should grace the cover of a GQ magazine.

“I’ve had that car for ten years. It’s seen me through a lot of crap.” Her voice was a mere whisper, but he wasn’t paying her any attention. His gaze was still trained on her lips, and when he started leaning forward she closed her eyes. Heart beating wildly, she waited for the inevitable contact of his mouth on hers.

His breath got closer, so very close she could feel as well as hear the fast tempo puff along her lips.

“You smell so good, Jessa. So good I want to devour you.”

She sucked in air at his softly spoken words. If any other man had told her that line she might have laughed, but hearing Thayer say it, his voice so deep, his body so big, made it sound so primal.

Her mouth opened to respond, but words failed her. Right when she thought he would finally kiss her the front door opened.

They pulled apart so fast she hit her head on the window and gasped in pain.

“Oh, shit.” Thayer cradled her head, his fingers massaging the back of her scalp. “I’m sorry.”

She started laughing and pushed his hands away. “It’s fine. I’m fine.” They both turned and looked at Deacon who stood in the doorway, a strange look on his face.

They both stood, and the air in the room became increasingly tight, threatening to strangle the life right out of her. She couldn’t help it, her eyes slide down the wide expanse of his chest, the muscles straining and defined against the material.

The jeans he wore fitted perfectly against long legs. His thighs were so thick and strong, like sturdy tree trunks. Air sawed in and out of her at the sight of the very obvious bulge pressing against the fly of his pants.

Dragging her eyes back up his body, she watched as his lids lowered halfway and his chin dipped down. The look he gave her resembled carnality.