“I did not understand it at first and fought it, but now I am certain, and I am afraid.” She was afraid of losing him more than anything.

“Do not be afraid. He will come back to you.” Stella began to move toward the door. “I will brew some calming tea for you.”

Elizabeth nodded. “Thank you.” She sat again when she was by herself, but not a minute passed before she stood once more and hurried into her dressing room to find a cloak. She did not think she could sit here while she should be looking for Rhys.

Wrapping the black velvet cloak about her shoulders, she slipped out of her chambers and swiftly walked down the hall to the stairs. She heard voices when she reached the front hall. Webster was opening the door. She heard Rhys’ voice and relief flooded her chest.

Unfortunately, that relief quickly faded when she saw Rhys and two footmen carry William in. He was unconscious and had very ugly wounds. Her eyes met Rhys, and he shook his head gravely. She stepped out of the way as they carried William up the stairs then she followed them to one of the guest rooms in the East Wing. She watched them lay William on the bed, and after Rhys had given the footmen instructions to make William as comfortable as possible, Rhys came and took her hand, leading her away.

“Rhys, what happened?” she asked as they moved through the hall.

“Someone tried to kill William,” he replied, his voice both gruff and strained.

“Who could do such a thing?”

Rhys opened his study door and nudged her in before following and closing the door. “I do not know, but we have to find out.”

Elizabeth swallowed, every part of her tense with fear. “Rhys, tell me what exactly is happening. You know something, and maybe I can help.”

He shook his head immediately. “No, I do not want you getting involved in this. This is my fight, not yours.”

“Not mine?” She stared at him in disbelief. “Rhys, I am your wife now, and every battle you fight is mine, too.”

He walked behind his desk and sat, running an agitated hand through his hair. “I do not know as much as you think. I do not have anything to tell you except that I need to keep you safe.”

“What about you? Do you not have to be safe?”

“I can take care of myself, Elizabeth.” He leaned back and sighed. “You should not worry about me.”

The door swung open, and the Dowager walked in, her countenance fiery. “What is happening?” she demanded.

Rhys cursed under his breath before answering. “William was injured.”

“And you brought him here?”

“Where would you rather I take him?” It was evident that his patience was hanging on a very tenuous thread. “If you cannot live in the same place as him, then I advise you to move to the Dower House, so you will have your peace.”

Elizabeth went to the Dowager. “My Lady, perhaps we should allow Rhys a moment to himself. Would you like some tea to calm your nerves?”

The Dowager stared at Rhys for a while before nodding at Elizabeth and turning to leave the study. Elizabeth followed her out, leaving Rhys alone. She was hurt that he thought her too fragile to handle the truth of what was happening, but she still hoped that she might be able to persuade him to reveal everything to her later.

She sat with the Dowager in the drawing room after asking a footman to find Stella and ask her to bring the tea there. She could see the worry in the Dowager’s eyes, and despite their disagreement, Elizabeth wanted to comfort her. When Stella brought the tea, Elizabeth poured a cup for the Dowager and gave it to her, hoping that was enough.

Rhys walked in a short while later, and both Elizabeth and his grandmother looked up at him expectantly. “Grandmother,” he said, “I beg your pardon for my outburst. I hope you can understand that I was trying to think, and I was speaking with my wife.” The Dowager only inclined her head to acknowledge his words. He turned to Elizabeth. “May I have a word?”

She set her teacup down and stood. They returned to his study, and this time, he locked the door.

He took her hands and led her to sit in a chair before kneeling in front of her. “Forgive me, Liza,” he pleaded so softly her heart ached. “I consider you my equal, and I want to tell you everything—” He shook his head and looked away. “But I cannot.”

“Why can you not tell me?” She took his face between her hands and turned his head, so he looked at her. “What is so horrible that I cannot handle?”

Rhys sighed deeply. “I might have made some enemies in the past who now wish to take everything I have accomplished away from me. William came to Dorset because he is a target. They think by killing William they can gain an advantage against me. Please know that I did not tell you because I want to protect you.”

Despite feeling greatly unsettled within, she endeavored to appear calm. “I feel the same need to protect you, too, Rhys,” she said. “I want to help you find this man.”

“I no longer think it is one man. There could be people both here and in London working against us.” He covered her hands on his cheek with his and closed his eyes.

“Then we should find all of them.” She mustered a smile. “Have you forgotten that I have eyes in London, too?”