He looked up at her with a devilish grin. “What were you saying about caution, Darling?”
“People are cautious of those in mourning because they often find talking to them awkward. That is why I chose black, and—”
He tore the seam at the arms and then shrugged when he caught her surprise. “I do not like the dress.” He kissed her lips. “And you look a thousand times more beautiful naked.”
“You have never seen me naked,” she pointed out. “I still had my night rail on in the library.”
“Must you contest everything I say?” He kissed her lips again. “And I will see you naked now.” He pulled the dress down her body and made her step out of it. He was turning her around to loosen her stays when a knock came at the door, and he let out a low curse.
“My Lord,” someone called.
“That is my valet, Chaplin,” Rhys told her. “They have arrived.”
Elizabeth was disappointed with the interruption, but she smiled and said, “I can wear a better dress now.”
He laughed. “Yes, and burn that one.” He kissed her again before going to the door. With one final caress of her body with his eyes, he opened the door and stepped out of the room.
Now that she was by herself, she noticed she was in a sitting room between two bedchambers. They would likely not use one of the bed chambers, but she liked that she could have a place to herself.
Some minutes later, Stella walked in with Brutus, and he ran to Elizabeth, barking happily. “I have missed you, my little one.” She hugged him and kissed his head before turning to Stella. “How did you manage to leave the Manor?”
“The coachman drove,” Stella replied with a laugh. “We were followed by some young men who wanted us to lead them to you, but Chaplin threatened them with a pistol. It was unloaded, but they did not know that.”
“I am glad you are all fine.” Elizabeth smiled at her.
“So am I.” Stella’s gaze found the black dress on the floor, and her cheeks colored. Elizabeth bit back a smile, amused by Stella’s reaction. “I think you need a bath,” Stella said quickly before gathering the dress from the floor.
“My hair did gather some dust,” Elizabeth agreed, grinning.
If she and Rhys had not been interrupted, they might have consummated their marriage. This had been on both their minds all day, and she was eager for him to return. Before he did, however, she wanted to present herself properly in a dress that he would enjoy removing.
“Stella, do you remember the red dress I thought was scandalous?” she asked, and Stella giggled.
“It is in that box.” Stella pointed at the small box she had brought up with her. “I will get it now.” It took her an hour and a half to have a bath and dress in her bedchamber, but Rhys did not return until two hours later, just after the sun had set.
Elizabeth heard him in the other bedchamber, and guessing he would be preparing for dinner, she continued writing the article she had been working on. She had given much thought to his request, but she did not think she could ever retire. They would discuss the matter again when they reached Dorset, but until then, she will not think too much about what she needed to do. All she wanted now was a little peace and a great measure of pleasure.
As she heard his footfalls some time later, she put away the papers in front of her and straightened in her seat at the writing desk. As expected, he was dashing when he walked in; his long dark hair was unbound, and his grin told her how pleased he was with her red dress.
“Dinner is served,” he announced, coming to her and holding out his hand to pull her to her feet, “but I feel a different sort of hunger.” He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a wide red satin ribbon.
“Do you, now?” Her heart beat faster, and she leaned toward him while he grinned like a rogue.
“Do you know what this is?” he asked, holding the ribbon up and bringing his head down until the tips of their noses touched.
The thrill that shot through her body was like a wave crashing against a cliff. She had dreamed of what he had done to her in the library and wanted more. “Are you going to bind my hands?” she asked eagerly.
“No, Darling,” he traced his tongue along her top lip, “I am going to cover your eyes. When your eyes are covered, you will find that all of your other senses will be heightened.” Rhys moved to her lower lip and sucked it before asking, “Are you ready?”
“Yes,” she breathed. He brought the red silk over her eyes and tied it behind her head. Now, every movement he made quickened her pulse, and she waited for him to touch her. She knew he was standing in front of her, and she knew he was smirking. “Rhys?”
She felt his hands on her waist, and he caressed her tenderly, moving his hands down her hips and around to take hold of her buttocks. He pulled her against him, and his hardness made her ache. One of his hands moved up her back to stroke the skin above her neckline.
“Where do you want me to touch you?” he whispered, his breath warm on her neck. “What do you want me to kiss, Liza?”
She loved it when he called her that. “Everywhere, Rhys.”
“That’s all I wanted to hear.” He picked her up and moved them. Elizabeth thought he would take her to the bed, but he instead set her down on her feet again. Not knowing where she was excited her, yet at the same time, she felt completely safe.