She shook her head. “No one makes Rhys do anything. He could still refuse to marry me even if my father threatened or even challenged him to a duel. Irene’s reputation worries me.” Elizabeth sat now, blinking hard. “I have ruined her prospects.”

“You have not ruined her prospects.” Stella moved close to her on the sofa and took her hands. “I am sure Rhys has enough honor in him to marry you, and Irene will make a good match once Society sees there is no scandal in this family to dwell upon.”

Elizabeth knew her friend was right, but a part of her could not help doubting Rhys. He had made it known to her on many occasions that she was not suitable. He wanted a woman he could bend to his will, and Elizabeth was not that woman. She had decided to marry him, but she would never allow him to take away her freedom.

Stella poured another cup of mint tea and gave it to her. “Have more tea to calm your nerves. I dislike seeing you like this.”

“Thank you.” Elizabeth took the cup and raised it to her lip then lowered it. “We have another problem.”

“What is it?”

“I do not know if or for how long I can hide the fact that I am Johnathan Myers from him if we marry.” She had not thought about keeping this secret from her husband because she had lost hope of ever marrying. “I cannot imagine what he will do if he discovers.”

“He might make you retire,” Stella said gravely.

“I know he will.” Elizabeth closed her eyes. She might lose herself in this marriage, but she could not allow herself to think of that right now. She had to think of her sister before anything else.

“Elizabeth,” Stella said gently, tipping her hand that was holding Elizabeth’s tea up, “drink. We can worry about this later, but I need you to be calm now. I believe everything will be well again if we think carefully.”

“Yes, you are right.” Elizabeth sighed before sipping her tea. The warmth was comforting, and even more so was Stella’s presence.

A soft knock sounded before her father’s voice followed with, “Elizabeth, may I come in?” Stella gave her a questioning look, and when Elizabeth nodded, Stella patted her free hand encouragingly before rising to open the door for him and subsequently excusing herself.

“The house is very quiet,” he observed when he walked in, a small smile on his face.

Elizabeth had not left her room since coming up after her conversation with her father that morning. “I am sorry I did not come down for dinner,” she apologized. “I could not.”

He sat down where Stella had vacated her seat and took her free hand. “You do not have to apologize for that, my dear. Neither Irene nor your mother joined me.”

Her chest tightened because of the isolation her father had to endure today. “No, I think I should apologize, Father. I did not come down because I did not know how to face Irene, but I would have if I had known you would be by yourself.”

He smiled and touched her cheek. “I know you would have, Elizabeth. I hope you are not too disturbed about what your mother said. She uttered those words out of shock.”

“You are very generous to defend her, but you and I both know that she favors Irene.” Elizabeth shrugged, pretending she was not hurt by her mother’s accusations. “I do not mind though.”

Her father squeezed her hand but did not say anything, and she drank more of her tea. Suddenly, he said, “Guildford called this morning, shortly after you came up. He offered for you.”

Elizabeth quickly swallowed before she choked. “He did?”

Her father nodded. “I was about to depart for his house when he arrived. I did not have to make any demands.”

She felt some of the tension in her shoulders ease. “Irene’s reputation will not be affected by the scandal if we marry, will it?”

“No, it will not,” he reassured her.

“Oh, thank God!” she whispered.

“I have tried to speak to her, but she would not open her door. Perhaps she would open it if she heard your voice.”

“Father, I do not think she would want to see me after what I did,” she said anxiously.

“I think she would want to talk about this issue with you. Will you attempt to see her, at least?” he implored.

“I will,” she agreed, deciding it was better to see her sister now. She might have confessed to her in Dorset, but she believed Irene had still hoped to marry Rhys before the scandal.

“I am sure she will understand in time.” Joseph leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Your mother, too.”

Elizabeth hoped he was right. She finished her tea, wondering what Stella had brewed it with because she was feeling calmer than she had felt all day, and after her father had left her, she stood and went to knock on Irene’s door.

The first knock was met with silence, and so were the second and third. Elizabeth rested her forehead against the door. “Irene…I want to talk to you. Will you let me in please?” Silence was the only response she received, and it stretched on until Elizabeth decided to retreat.

She had just taken a step toward her bedchamber when Irene’s door opened, and she called Elizabeth’s name.