“I will.” Winston stood and walked him to the door but paused before he opened it. “Somehow, I am glad you are marrying Elizabeth instead of Irene.”

Puzzled, Rhys asked, “Why?”

“I have this fear with regard to Elizabeth,” Winston explained. “I do not want her to find herself in a mire because of how different she is, and she has the proclivity to draw trouble to herself. I know I can trust you to protect her.”

Winston might not know everything about his daughter, but he knew her well, and Rhys found himself feeling glad thathewas going to marry her and give her the protection she needed.

“I will look after her, Lord Winston,” he said. “You have my word.”

“Thank you.” Winston smiled, looking positively relieved. He bid Rhys a good day and saw him out. Rhys went to his office at the port after leaving Winston House and found Paxton waiting for him there. He had sent word of his return and asked him to meet him here.

“I have news, My Lord,” Paxton said after they had exchanged greetings. “Unfortunately, I found nothing about who contaminated Baron Ingram’s goods.” He paused and regarded Rhys.

Rhys nodded, then gestured for him to continue, supposing he had information about Johnathan Myers. Now that he was going to marry Elizabeth, it had become even more important for him to know his identity.

Paxton glanced about the office as though to confirm they were alone before whispering, “Johnathan Myers is Lady Elizabeth Livingston.” Rhys stopped breathing.