“Elizabeth,” her father urged gently, “can you tell me what happened?” She told him the truth, and although his expression was still grim, he did not say anything that would hurt her.
“You have to marry him,” he demanded.
“What?” Her eyes widened in consternation. “I cannot marry him. He will not marry me.”
“He will.” Her father’s voice was firm. “I will make him.” He took her hands. “You will not be disgraced. I will also see to the death of this vicious rumor.” Elizabeth began to cry, and he pulled her into his arms. While some of her family blamed and condemned her, he had chosen to help her, and she was truly grateful that he was her father.
“All shall be well again, my dear.” He pulled away and gave her a reassuring smile. “I will take care of everything.”
“Thank you,” she choked out.
“It is my duty to protect you.” He wiped her tears away.
Elizabeth could not refuse to marry Rhys because Irene’s prospects could diminish if she did. She had brought this upon her family, and as her father felt it was his obligation to protect her, it was her obligation to make amends. If a life with Rhys was the sacrifice she had to make, then she would brave it.
* * *
“Wake up!” Someone shook Rhys’ shoulder, and he pushed it away. The voice sounded like his grandmother's. “Wake up you damned rake!”
His eyes flew open, and he sat up. He had never heard his grandmother curse before. “Wha—”
She threw a paper at him. “You have spoiled this family’s name.” His entire body grew rigid the instant he heard those words, and he quickly read the sheet. The air left his lungs with every line he read, not because his name was on the gossip sheets, but because he saw only one way out of this problem.
“Are the rumors true?” the Dowager asked him. He did not answer and instead rose from the bed and walked to the bell near his bedchamber door, pulling it to summon Chaplin.
“Rhys, I asked you a question!” she yelled. “Is it true you compromised Lady Elizabeth?” He would gain nothing in denying it, so he nodded. He suspected they had been seen in the library, and he was going to find the damned rat who thought it would be amusing to tell the world what they had seen.
“How could you?” his grandmother demanded, blocking his path to his dressing room. “You were courting Lady Irene for heaven’s sake!”
“No, I was not.” He ran both of his hands through his hair. “I was lying, to you, to Lady Irene, to my bloody self! I did not intend for this to happen, but yelling at me will not solve this problem.”
His grandmother blinked and took a step back. He could not recall the last time he had raised his voice at her, but she had agitated him. Still, he regretted losing his temper. “I will take care of this matter,” he said.
“You better. We cannot have this family’s name ruined again.” He would die before he allowed that to happen. He had worked and risked far too much to mend the name his father had broken, and he would not see it undone.
Chaplin arrived as his grandmother left, and Rhys dressed as quickly as he could. His first destination was Winston House. He found Winston climbing his carriage when he arrived, and he told Rhys that he had been on his way to see him. They moved to Winston’s study.
Winston sat behind his desk and waited for him to speak first. “I wish to ask for Elizabeth’s hand in marriage,” he said, and Winston’s brows rose slightly.
“I thought I would have to march you to the altar with a pistol at your back,” he chuckled. “I am relieved that it will not be necessary.”
“Lord Winston, I did not intend for my actions to harm either of your daughters, and I plead that I was overcome with passion.” Rhys knew this was the best argument that would grant him Winston’s favor. He would be damned if he denied ever touching Elizabeth.
“Elizabeth told me,” Winston said, and Rhys felt one of his brows rise in surprise. He had not expected her to admit to her father any passion she felt, but then, she was forthright. “You have my permission to ask Elizabeth to marry you.”
“May I ask her this afternoon?” She might not have been the woman he had intended to marry, but he no longer believed that she was a bad choice. His body craved hers while his mind yearned for the great conversations they always had. Their children would doubtless be intelligent, but he had to ensure he charged himself with their discipline. Elizabeth would, in time, learn to be the wife he needed her to be. She had to.
Winston shook his head. “I am afraid you will have to come back tomorrow. She is not in the best of states after learning of the scandal this morning. I have never seen her so crestfallen.”
Rhys knew Elizabeth would not be thrilled to marry him, but he was unable to help feeling disappointed that she might be dispirited because of it.I have just accepted the notion of marrying her, for heaven’s sake!
Rhys willed himself to be calm, and he straightened in his seat. “May I see Lady Irene? I owe her a mountain of apologies.”
Again, Winston shook his head. “I fear that will not be possible today. Perhaps Irene will need even more time than Elizabeth.”
Rhys nodded, feeling like the worst cad in England. He had been selfish and rash, and he now faced both the consequences of his actions and the considerable guilt that came with them.
“I understand, Lord Winston. I shall return tomorrow.” He stood. “Please give them both my regards.”