For a moment, he did not move, and Elizabeth impatiently moved in her seat. Then his hand circled her neck while his lips touched her shoulders. He tilted her head back, so he could kiss her, and as his lips toyed with hers, his other hand slid down her body to pull her night rail up. Her legs parted of their volition, and he caressed her thighs, taking long enough for her to feel as though she would erupt if he did not touch her where she needed.

“Rhys,” she pleaded.

His hand moved up, but he still did not touch her. “Such fire,” he murmured, licking a line across her jaw. “I did not know your fire could be so sweet to consume.”

Elizabeth did not know he could undo her any further, but he did, and she began to tremble with need. He touched her, and her body tensed while she moaned his name. He gently pushed a finger into her, curled it within her, and stroked. Her trembling increased.

Rhys kissed her lips again, releasing her neck to roll her nipple between his fingers, and the pleasure he gave her with both of his hands grew. When he pinched her nipple, she cried out, and he swallowed the sound. The pain spread through her like a wave, transforming into a most delectable sensation. She rolled her hips when she felt herself reaching the highest point of her pleasure, but Rhys suddenly stopped, pulling his hand away. She bit his lip in retaliation, and he groaned then he laughed.

“Why are you so wicked?” she let out when he rose. Her body had tensed in frustration, and she wanted to curse him for such deprivation.

He came to stand in front of her, leaning close so their faces were inches apart. “I want to give you immense pleasure, Liza.”

“By depriving me?” She would have pushed him away if her hands were not bound behind her.

“You will understand soon.” He shrugged off his banyan, took her shoulders, and pulled her up then sat in the chair with her on top of him, her legs on either side of him.

He slipped his fingers into her again, filling her, and she closed her eyes and tossed her head back.

“No.” He sifted his fingers through her hair before pulling her head forward. “You will look at me while I pleasure you.” Elizabeth swallowed and held his intense gaze, and it was not long before she felt exposed to him. However, feeling such vulnerability only deepened her arousal.

“Now, I permit you to move with my hand,” he said. “Take what you want from me, Liza.” Hearing him call her by the name she had given herself made her smile, and she hungrily took every ounce of sensual gratification he gave her, and once she felt herself approaching that delicate edge that defined ultimate pleasure, she pressed her lips to his.

Her body shook, and she thought she was falling. Rhys held her tightly, his lips moving to her ear, and he whispered, “I have you. I have you.” She breathed heavily while he stroked her hair. Her body slowly relaxed, and the bliss that followed what she had just experienced was astounding. He unbound her hands, and they circled his neck.

“Are you satisfied?” he asked, smiling up at her.

“More than you know,” she replied, unable to hold back her smile.

“I am glad.” As she stared at his handsome face, the bliss and wonder she was feeling began to turn into something else. He was not hers, he would never be, but for a very short moment, she had thought that he was.

Elizabeth did not allow her growing regret to stop her from finishing what she had started. She leaped off him and grabbed her robe then ran toward the desk, covering herself as she did. She did not know if he followed her, but she did not slow to check. Once she reached the desk, she gathered the papers, crumpling some of them as she did, before running out of the library.

The instant she entered her bedchamber and closed the door, she let the papers fall out of her hands as she clapped them over her mouth, blinking in rapid succession. She had done the very thing she had sworn never to do again, and although it had been to protect her secret, she had allowed it to progress.

She truly did not know what to do now.

* * *

Elizabeth raised her hand to knock on Irene’s door but stopped. It was the night before they traveled back to London, and for two days, she had lived in misery, both from guilt and from feelings she was unable to understand. She had done all she could to not be alone with Rhys, and he had sought to speak to her in private several times.

No more cowardice, Liza.She took a deep, steadying breath and raised her hand again to knock on the door. She had to do this. When Irene called for her to enter, she opened the door with slightly trembling hands and walked in.

Irene was sitting on her bed, and her eyes widened when she saw Elizabeth. “I thought it was Helen,” she said.

Elizabeth lingered near the door, but she forced herself to walk toward her sister. “I want to speak to you before we begin our journey back to town tomorrow, and I do not want to give myself the chance to cower again.”

Irene regarded her with a slight frown. “What is the matter, Elizabeth?”

Elisabeth sat beside her and willed the words to gush from her lips. “I have wronged you, Irene, and I do not know if you can forgive me.”

Irene took her hands. “Whatever it is, I am sure I can.”

Elizabeth shook her head. “I…” she swallowed, “I kissed Rhys.” Irene’s hold slackened then she pulled her hands away from Elizabeth’s.