“Iwish I could travel with you,” Stella said ruefully when Elizabeth visited her in her bedchamber the morning they were to leave for Dorset. She still had a cold and needed to remain in London to recover.
“I wish that, too,” Elizabeth agreed, feeling as though she was going to be alone on this trip. “Now that you are feeling a little better, I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” Stella sat up straighter against her pillows.
“When I went to the port to deliver the articles—”
“Oh, I forgot about the articles.” Stella squeezed her eyes shut.
“Do not worry about that. I have made arrangements so that not even my trip will not interfere with the delivery,” she reassured her. “Rhys saw me.”
Now Stella’s eyes popped. “He knows?” Elizabeth explained everything that had happened that night. She had not seen him again since they parted at the servants’ entrance, but he had called upon Irene yesterday.
“What are you going to do now, My Lady? Will you stop writing?” Stella asked.
“I knew there would be danger in this business, but I did not realize how great it could be until Rhys mentioned it.” She sighed. “I could stop, but I do not want to.”
Stella took her hand. “What if someone else discovers who Myers is, and you get hurt?”
“We have been careful, Stella, but our work has helped people…the earnings have helped orphaned children.” Her emotions began to turn in her chest. “I cannot allow danger to prevent me from doing something good.”
“Then we will be more cautious than we have been, and I am glad that it was Lord Guildford who saw you and not someone else.”
Elizabeth smiled. “I said the same thing to him.” Her smile faded then, and she whispered, “I do not want to go. I do not want to live in the same place with him however short that time will be.”
Stella’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “If you will be staying in a castle, then you could hide from him.”
Elizabeth allowed a small laugh. “I am not adept at hiding.”
Her friend grinned. “Oh, yes. I allow you to deliver articles once, and you get caught.” Her expression turned serious again. “Remember the reason you wish to keep away from him.”
Elizabeth nodded. “Thank you, Stella. I am considering accepting Lord Mayton as my suitor.” Stella pressed her lips into a tight line, and Elizabeth knew she wanted to say something but was reluctant.
“What is it?” Elizabeth prompted.
“I do not think you and Lord Mayton are a match, but you and Lord Guildford—”
“No, Stella.” Elizabeth felt her cheeks warming. “He is courting Irene.”
“You asked me to say what is on my mind.” Stella laughed.
“Not that.”
“Very well. I shall not speak of it again.”
Elizabeth let out a small sigh. “I should go and confess to Irene. We will be traveling for at least two days, and I might not get a moment alone with her. I want her to know before we go to Dorset.”
“I wish you luck, my dear friend.” Stella smiled.
“Thank you, and I shall see you soon.” Elizabeth rose and hugged her.
“Mrs. Compton would not be pleased if she saw you,” Stella jested.
“If I have not caught a cold from you by now, then I am not likely to catch it,” Elizabeth returned as she pulled away and started toward the door.
“I do not believe that is correct,” Stella called after her.