“I know.” Both her friend’s voice and countenance were stern. “I worry about your foot.”

“And I appreciate that, Stella.” Elizabeth did not want to argue further, so she sighed and said, “I wish to go downstairs.”

Stella smiled. “I shall find a footman to carry you.”

“Can I not have a cane and walk myself?”

“You heard what the physician said. You must keep off your injured foot for a few days.” Stella started toward the bedchamber door.

“It has been two days, and surely, two constitutes a few.” Elizabeth grinned imploringly.

“I am sure Johnathan Myers and the entire world would disagree with you,” Stella laughed.

Stella had opened the door and was stepping out of the room when Elizabeth remembered something. “Have you seen Brutus? I do not believe he slept in this room last night because I did not hear him.” Brutus usually woke her in the mornings, and she had left her bedchamber door ajar for him the night before.

Stella frowned. “I did not see him this morning.” Elizabeth swallowed as she began to worry. “I will ask if anyone has seen him,” Stella reassured her. Some minutes later, a footman arrived, and he carried her downstairs to the drawing room where her mother and sister were spending the morning. Elizabeth glanced about the room as she was carried to her seat, and when she did not see Brutus, her worry grew.

“Have you seen Brutus?” she asked.

Irene looked up from her embroidery thoughtfully. “I do not believe I have. Mother?”

“No, I have not.” Her mother did not look up from the fashion magazine she was perusing. “I am sure he is somewhere around the house.”

“He is hardly by himself.” Elizabeth looked up at the footman who had brought her down. “Will you look for him, please?”

“Of course, My Lady.” He bowed. Several minutes passed, then they turned into an hour before the footman returned, his expression grim.

“Did you find him?” Irene was the first to ask.

“No, My Lady.” The footman shook his head, his gaze cast down. “No one has seen him since last night.”

“Oh, my goodness!” Clarice gasped.

Elizabeth’s heart beat faster, but she endeavored to remain calm. “Please have the entire street searched,” she instructed.

“And ask our neighbors if they have seen him,” her mother added.

Be calm, Liza,she urged herself. He is safe somewhere. He has to be.

A short while later, she heard voices in the front hall and sat up, hoping Brutus had been found. The butler walked in then and announced, “The Marquess of Guildford is here, My Ladies.”

“Oh!” her mother cried excitedly, and Irene straightened in her chair. “Please show him in.” Elizabeth did not move, and she was honestly irritated by her mother’s excitement. Rhys walked in and greeted them in turn, but he kissed only Irene’s hand. Elizabeth did not care, for she was more concerned about Brutus than anything.

“I know you must be worried about Brutus,” he said after sitting. “He is well and at my house.”

Elizabeth raised her eyes to his and blinked slowly, her anxiety changing into disbelief. “You took my dog and had me worry all day?” she rebuked strongly.