“Are you in earnest?” he heard Elizabeth say as he approached the drawing room.
“Yes, I am,” came his cousin’s voice, and Rhys frowned. What was he doing there? “I have read every single report Johnathan Myers has ever written.”
Rhys walked into the room and saw her sitting on a divan with her legs stretched out before her and stockinged feet on a pillow. Brutus was asleep on the carpet in front of her while Mayton was seated in an adjacent chair, grinning. They did not notice Rhys’ presence, and so he announced himself by clearing his throat.
Elizabeth turned and looked at him then a small smile curved her pert lips, and she greeted him with, “Lord Guildford.”
“Lady Elizabeth, I am pleased to see you are recovering well.” He walked to where she sat and took her ungloved hand from where it rested on the arm of the divan then raised it to his lips. Her soft, warm skin aroused him, so he let his lips linger on her skin for another second before he placed her hand back on the divan.
A lovely flush appeared on the soft swells of her breasts and rose to her cheeks. He looked away, unwilling to indulge himself. Mayton, who was no saint, gazed at her with interest. Rhys was not pleased.
“Indeed, I am,” Elizabeth replied, drawing his eyes to her face. “I do not feel any pain unless I think about it.”
“And I am helping her not think about it,” Mayton said in a charming tone that rasped on Rhys’ nerves. Again, what was he doing here?
“I am surprised to see you here, Mayton,” Rhys commented, going to sit in the chair that faced the divan Elizabeth was on.
“I called upon Lady Elizabeth earlier, and Lady Winston was so kind as to invite me to the opera tonight,” Mayton replied with a smile. “I am keeping Lady Elizabeth company while the ladies ready themselves.” He turned to Elizabeth. “My Lady, are you certain you do not wish for me to give your mother my apologies and keep you company while they are away? I dislike the thought of having a merry time at the opera while you sit here by yourself.”
“I am not sure that is proper, Mayton,” Rhys drawled. Of course, a chaperone would be present, but he thought he needed to discourage his cousin from trifling with her. Mayton was a rake, too, after all. Rhys’ eyes narrowed as he wondered why Elizabeth was not averse to his cousin. Surely, she must know that he was a rake.
She laughed sweetly. “Oh, I insist you honor my mother’s invitation, and I will not be alone. Brutus is here even though he is asleep. What do you think, Lord Guildford?”
Rhys smiled with wicked intent. “I completely agree that Mayton should honor your mother’s invitation.”
“But you would stay if given the opportunity, would you not?” his cousin asked with a gleam in his eyes.
“I assure you that he would not,” Elizabeth answered before Rhys did.
Mayton smiled triumphantly before asking, “Why would anyone refuse your company, My Lady?”
“Lord Guildford and I disagree on quite a few matters, you see,” she explained.
“Ah, I understand. Sadly, I disagree with him often, as well.”
Mayton, you lying traitor!Lady Irene and Lady Winston joined them before Rhys could respond, and at that same moment, Lord Winston returned from a trip. Rhys had learned earlier that Winston had been away in Surrey.
Lady Winston immediately told her husband what had happened, and he rushed to Elizabeth’s side. “My dear, Elizabeth!” He took her hand. “How unfortunate.”
“I feel much better, Father,” she reassured him. “You can see that I am not confined to my bedchamber.”
“That is because you refuse to be,” Lord Winston said. “I am here now, my dear, and I shall keep you company while these good gentlemen, your mother, and sister attend the opera.”
The interaction between Elizabeth and her father showed him how affectionate they were with each other. The love of a parent was something Rhys had never known and something he did not understand but watching Elizabeth and her father made him smile.
“My Lord,” Mayton began, “may I join you in keeping Lady Elizabeth company? I know I will not enjoy the opera knowing she was unable to attend.” Rhys was still not pleased about the notion of his cousin staying even though Lord Winston would be present, and Rhys could not understand why he was displeased.
“That would be splendid,” Lady Winston announced. “Lord Mayton may remain here. After all, Lord Guildford is Irene’s suitor.”
“Yes, indeed,” Lord Winston agreed. Rhys went to take Lady Irene’s arm, hoping the evening would go well.