Lord Mayton bowed and smiled at her. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, My Lady.”

“And yours, My Lord.” She curtsied, regarding him carefully as she wondered if he was anything like Guildford. They both had dark hair, but that was the only thing that was common between them, and she thought Mayton’s demeanor warm and welcoming. She also recalled that he had tried to give Guildford good advice.

“What an adorable little fellow,” he said, reaching to touch Brutus’ small head. Elizabeth smiled when Brutus welcomed his touch, and without intending to, she looked up at Guildford. He watched his cousin introduce himself to Brutus with a frown.

Guildford moved closer to her and said in a low voice, “Now I am quite inclined to believe you trained him to dislike me.”

“You are not going to accept that he finds your cousin’s company more tolerable, are you?” she asked slyly.

“No, I am not.” He shook his head.

“What do you call him?” Mayton asked as Brutus circled his legs.

“Brutus,” Elizabeth answered.

“A pleasure to meet you, Brutus,” Mayton said, holding his hand out to Brutus, who then placed his paw on his palm. Mayton’s mouth opened in surprise. “You have taught him excellent manners, My Lady.”

“He is very intelligent, My Lord,” Elizabeth replied. Brutus picked up a stick and looked up at Irene expectantly. She took the stick and threw it while Mayton watched in fascination. Elizabeth felt Guildford take her elbow and draw her away.

“You must be very happy with yourself this afternoon,” he commented when they were a few yards away from Irene and his cousin.

“Yes, and I did not have to speak to accomplish my goal,” she returned.

“Do not think that what Lady Irene revealed earlier would discourage me.”

“Oh? I heard you clearly in the garden.‘She should only speak when spoken to.’My sister is not a woman you can subjugate.”

Her temper rose, and she decided to stop talking. She freed her arm from his grasp and rejoined Mayton and Irene. Brutus was jumping about, having a wonderful time, and a tiny smile tugged at the corners of her mouth despite her mood.

A bird flew past them, and Brutus went after it toward the wooded, northeastern part of the park. Thinking he could get lost, Elizabeth gathered her skirts and darted after him, calling his name while he gleefully barked and ignored her, running into the woods.

Something suddenly caught her foot, and she fell forward. Quickly bending her knees, she fell on them instead of on her face. A dull ache began at her foot, but she ignored it and tried to stand. She fell again, and this time, she was aware of the sharp pain in her foot.