“It is I,” Faraday said, raising one of his arms to the height of his shoulders, “in the flesh.” His other arm was holding a pistol aimed at Elizabeth.
“I was told you were dead,” Rhys stated, his attention divided between the man before him and Elizabeth.
“Oh?” Faraday laughed. “I suppose you were happy I would not return to demand what is owed to me.”
“I do not owe you anything.” Rhys kept his pistol on Faraday and took a step back, so he was shielding Elizabeth completely.
“Oh, you do. You told everyone of my mistakes, and I lost my position as a respected prizefighter,” Faraday growled.
“You made no mistakes, Faraday. You cheated in many fights, and I refused to allow you to continue. If you walk out of here now, I might allow you to leave a free man.”
“I decide my destiny, Guildford. Everything I did that led to this moment has been carefully planned, and I have not failed.”
“The contamination of my goods, William’s injuries, was that you?” Rhys asked, and Faraday nodded.
“Your wife’s exposure as Myers, too. Your investigation left holes that I exploited and discovered who she is. And now, you will watch her die.”
Rhys’ insides twisted. He was shielding Elizabeth, but Faraday could still reach her if he aimed to the side. “You do not want her. Your malice is with me.”
“Oh, it is, but you will not feel any pain if I kill you, except the pain of death, of course. I aim to make you suffer.”
“There are other ways of making me suffer without hurting my wife.” He would bargain with Faraday for as long as he could until Mayton and Winston found them.
“Yes, there are. Drop your pistol and fight me,” Faraday challenged. “If you win, I will set her free.”
Elizabeth’s muffled protests came behind him, but Rhys shut his eyes against them. “Do I have your word?” This might be a better option than firing their pistols because Elizabeth would not be caught in the crossfire.
“I swear it.” Faraday roared with laughter. “But I know you will not win.” He suddenly knocked Rhys’ pistol from his hand before throwing away his own. Rhys dodged the first punch Faraday threw, and Faraday laughed again. “I see your skills have not diminished. Now, fight me like a man to win your wife!”
His wife was all Rhys could think of as he dodged and parried every blow. Elizabeth was all he was concerned about, and he had to win this for her. When Faraday swung too hard and almost lost his footing close to Elizabeth, Rhys lured him away from the center of the room.
Faraday lunged at Rhys, and he parried with a good blow that drew blood from Faraday’s nose. Faraday had always been a coward, and that was why he cheated.
“You will pay, Guildford!” he growled when he saw the blood. He lunged at Rhys, who hopped backward and in doing so, got his foot caught in a tangle of ropes on the floor which slowed him. As he tried to free his foot, Faraday punched Rhys’ jaw.
Before Rhys could recover, Faraday caught his arm and twisted it backward. The pain that ripped through his shoulder drew a pained groan from Rhys as a shot came. It gave Faraday pause, and both of them looked about with Rhys’ eyes moving to Elizabeth first. She was unharmed.
He tried to go to her, but his arm was wounded and in Faraday’s grasp. Another shot came, and Faraday yelled, sinking to his knees. When Rhys looked up, he saw that Winston had shot Faraday’s leg.
“No one harms my daughter. Move again, and I will aim for your head,” Winston warned.
Mayton was freeing Elizabeth, and Rhys heaved a relieved sigh after freeing his arm. He rushed to Elizabeth while his cousin moved to Faraday to tie his hands with the ropes Faraday had used to tie Elizabeth.
“Rhys!” She wrapped her arms around him, straining his injured shoulder, but he did not care. Every emotion he had kept inside came rushing forth with relief and the immeasurable love he had for her at the forefront. He did not know he had tears streaking his cheeks until she wiped them away.
“I must tell you something before anything else is said, Elizabeth.” He stroked her cheek with his fingers. “I love you, and you can never know how much.”
She laughed through her tears. “I love you, Rhys.”
“Good. Now, let us go home because I think my shoulder is dislocated.”
Her eyes widened, and her arms moved from his shoulders to wrap around his middle. “I did not know.”
Winston joined them. “Mayton and I will take him to the Magistrate’s office. Will you be able to ride?” he asked Rhys.
“I will take care of him,” Elizabeth said, and Winston smiled.