“Elizabeth…I cannot answer your question now.” He pulled away from her and walked toward the window behind his desk. “Perhaps another time.”

“Do you not think I need to know if the danger upon us is related to it?” She did not think they were related when she asked the question, but his shoulders rising and growing rigid before her eyes told her they were.

“They are not related, Elizabeth.”

“Then why do you speak to me with your back turned?”

“I have much to do. We will discuss this later.”

He was dismissing her, but she would not allow him to. “When are we going to discuss it, Rhys?”

“After we have solved the mysteries before us.”

“Look at me, Rhys,” she demanded.

“I would rather you leave me alone,” he said, his voice sounding pained. “Please.”

Elizabeth wanted to say more, but she was too hurt to, and she no longer wanted to be there with him. She left the study, but as she walked up the stairs to her chambers, she heard Rhys come up behind her.

“Do you truly wish to know?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied quickly and hopefully.

He came and took her hand, guiding her the rest of the way to their chambers. “You will hate me after this, Elizabeth, but I detest lying to you. You deserve to know everything, now that you are a Wallace.”