“Yes, it would be better if he hears everything from you,” Rhys replied.

“I went to the cottage after our walk,” William began, “and I was in the sitting room, waiting for Grant to return, so I could eat when I heard someone sneak up behind me. I was too slow, and he pressed something to my nose.” William paused for breath before continuing. “The thing disoriented me, and that enabled him to get me.”

“This thing, what did it smell like?” Redman asked.

“Sweet, I believe.” William winced when he moved his injured shoulder.

Redman looked at Rhys. “It might be ether, but I am uncertain.”

“I think it was,” William affirmed. “I recall inhaling ether once when I was younger. This felt quite like it.”

“Ether is not common,” Redman mused. “Perhaps I can trace where it came from, and that might help us find the perpetrator.”

“I saw his face,” William added. “I removed the dark cloth he uses as a mask during our struggle.”

Rhys became more alert. “Was it someone you recognized?”

“No, unfortunately, but I have his face here.” William tapped his temple. “I can describe him.”

“And I can sketch,” Redman said, reaching into his pocket to pull out a box the size of a snuff box with charcoal inside. He found a sheet of parchment in a desk drawer in the room and sat at the foot of the bed to begin drawing.